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Blake's POV

I was sitting in the library reading ninja's of love: faunas instincts which is basically the same as the first one but it is about their heat or mating season whatever you want to call it. "MAMA!" I heard someone yell and then the next second I was tackled by a little girl in a red sleeveless shirt with a hood. She looked up at me with her bright silver eyes, "sorry little one but I am not your mama." The girl started to cry, "no you mama pease mummy ready say no."

I looked up and saw Yang, "um Yang who is this?" She sighed and took the child off me, "kitten she isn't your mama." I looked at Yang confused, "why are you calling her a kitten?" Now that Yang is holding the child I could see something twitching under the hood, "she's a cat faunas." Yang pulled down the hood to show me two little cat ears that are on top of her head, "maybe that's why she things I'm her mama because of the cat ears?"

"Then explain how she thinks Ruby is her 'mummy'?" I looked at my blonde partner in shock, "I don't know maybe it's the silver eyes?" Yang rolled her eyes, "yeah maybe but anyways we have to go meet dad out the front." I huffed and the child is still crying in Yang's arms, "Yang can you please give her to me if you're not going to help her stop crying." Yang gave me the child, "shh little one I got you."

The silver eyes stare at me, "so what's your name?" I asked the young faunas, "Iesha." I paused for a second, "Blake what's wrong?" Yang asked me, "I had a younger sister named Iesha but she died at a faunas rally on her first year in this world. So I was going to call my first child Iesha," Yang looked down sadly. "Mama no cry pease," the little child pleaded. "Kitten I'm not your mama but I promise you we will find your mothers," she child just stay silent.

"Please calm down and soon we can go to Ozpin and find out what happened to your daughter," we walked around the corner to see a large women about 5 foot 8 with a red hood talking to Qrow and Taiyang. "She is 3 years old I don't need Ozpin! I need people out then tracking down my baby!" After that was said the small body in my arms called out, "MUMMY!" Yang and I looked confused then turned into shock when the women turned around.

This women had red brown hair, an eye patch cover one eye while the other was an uncover silver eye, "Iesha!" The women ran over to me grabbing the child out of my arms, "Mummy why you no know me before?" The women looked back at us then to her child, "that girl wasn't your mummy yet." The women held the child as close as she can, "mummy where is mama?" She sighed, "I don't know kitten but I promise that we will find her."

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