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Older Blake's POV

The world came into view soon enough and I was in a forest clearing of some sorts, "Blake thank god your awake." I looked up to see Weiss and Yang sitting against a tree, "where's Iesha and Ruby?" I asked them causing the duo to glace at each other then look back to me, "we don't know." My eyes grew wide, "how the fuck could you lose my wife and child while I was out then instead of looking for them you are sitting against a tree cuddling!"

The duo got up, "Blake they weren't with us when we woke up so we decide instead of wondering around the forest like idiots we would wait until you woke so we can go into town and ask around for them." I slumped my shoulders, "has anyone got their scroll?" I asked them and soon Yang took hers out, "what are you going to do?" The blonde bawler questioned as the phone rang, "just give me a second

Iesha - Hello?

Blake - Ruby?

Iesha - No Mama

Blake - Iesha my little kitten thank the gods that your safe

Iesha - Mama where are you?

Blake - We are in a forest now is your mummy there?

Iesha - Yes she talking to Aunties, Mummy and Mama

Blake - where are you?

Iesha - we at Beon

Blake - Beacon?

Iesha - yep

Blake - Okay my little kitten I will be there soon

Iesha - Okay Mama

I hung up the phone and started to climb a tree to see where we are, "Blake can you see anything?" I looked around and saw Beacon, "yes we are in the emerald forest so we are close to them." Weiss and Yang cheered then I climbed down and we started to head towards the school which we soon arrived out the front, "Iesha! Ruby!" I ran up to them and threw my arms around them, "MAMA!" My little kitten screamed and held me tight.

"I thought I lost you in the collision," Ruby whispered to me and I just pulled her into a kiss while Iesha was still in between us. "Wait did you just say Ruby?" I pulled away from my wife, "yes I did." I looked over and saw younger versions of us, "well this can't be good." Yang said as Weiss groaned, "what did you get us into this time Ruby." My little kitten's head shot over to her aunties, "Aunty 'eiss! Aunty 'ang!"

My kitten dropped her the floor and ran over to her aunties, "Iesha why do you have your hood on?" I asked my kitten, "mama wanted me to wear it." I sighed, "kitten those people aren't your mothers or not yet anyway so please stop calling them that or you'll make mummy and I sad." The three year old kitten shook her head, "no sad please." She ran over to me and hugged my leg, "mama no sad?" I picked my little kitten up, "mama no sad anymore."

"What's going on I'm feeling like we are missing something?" The younger version of Yang said, "yeah your miss about 8 years of your future life Yang but then again your team is in the same boat as you." The older version of Yang said, "well then if your me from the future then what am I like with the ladies in the future?" I looked over to the older version of Weiss, "don't you dare say another word Yang Xiao-Long!" Weiss yelled, "I was just going to tell her about William and Willow." Weiss rolled her eyes, "no don't tell her anything you brute! Anyways they are safe with Winter and Summer."

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