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Iesha's POV

I saw the whole thing, my future mother getting stabbed with a sword then my future Aunty gets her arm cut off by the same guy. "See Blake I will destroy everything and everyone you love," I growled. "Get the fuck away from my family!" I yelled and the bull faunas turned to me leaving Blake and Yang alone, "and who are you?" The bull faunas smirked at me. "I'm Blake's daughter now who the fuck are you?" He laughed, "you can be her daughter."

"It's called time travel you will bitch," I unlocked Blood Rose and shifted her into her sword mode. "Now are you going to fight me like a man or a little scared boy begging for his mummy," he growled and charged at me. His sword hit my and my leg came up pushing him into the ground, "now I'll give you one chance to run away like the scared little boy you are." He jumped to his feet and was going to swing his sword but I blocked it, "times up."

I grabbed his sword hand and took his semblance, "now this is for my family." I cut this sword arm up off, "now I'm sorry but I can't let you continue destroying the faunas name." His eyes widen, "you don't have the balls too." I held my sword to his neck, "I'm sorry but I can't trust that you will change and you will just escape jail." I slit his throat, "Iesha why?" Blake said and I looked over to her, "because my mothers and aunts died to keep you all innocent."

"But we are not innocent," I growled. "Have you ever spilt blood on your hands?" I asked Blake and she looked down, "exactly and I'm not going to let my mothers hard work go to waste. Now let's get you to safety and medical." I took Yang and Blake to where the medical team are helping huntsmen and huntresses that are hurt heal, "YANG!" The Heiress yelled as she tacked Yang, "WEISS!" Before I could even blink Yang smashed her lips onto Weiss'.

"Help I need help!" I heard Jaune yell, "what's wrong?" I asked him, "Pyrrha has gone after Cinder it all just happened so fast." I ran over to Scarlet who was looking over Lily, "Scarlet I need you speed." I touched his hand and ran as fast as I could to Pyrrha hoping that I could save her. I arrived at the top of the roof just as Cinder was taking aim, "Iesha?" As Cinder let her arrow fly towards Pyrrha I jumped in front in.

"IESHA!" I grabbed my gun and shot aimed for Cinder, "you master has been dead for over 10 years so why are you still evil?" Her eyes widen, "if I can't have happiness no one will!" Cinder yelled, "Really you don't have happiness! Then what the fuck do you call your relationship with Emerald!" Cinder's eyes widened, "how did you know about that?" I coughed up a bit, "I'm from the future and when Emerald died you burned the place down to the ground."

"Emerald dies?" You could she the tears in her eyes, "yes if you continue on this path you both die but first you had to live 2 years without her then you finally were defeated and killed. So take my advice and just live the happy life you were given and I promise that if you leave now..." I started to breath very heavy, "...we... will... not... stop... you..." I blacked out.

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