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Iesha's POV

"Iesha we have trouble up ahead," Ellie said to me. "What's up?" I asked my best friend slash partner, "Grimm." I nod and got my weapon out, "okay guys time to fight." My team activates their weapons, "what's the plan Iesha?" Scarlet asks me, "Ellie, Lily and I will be ground defense while you get to a high place and cover everyone's back." He nod and I looked down to see that we are just in time for action, "Okay go Team ISLE!"

I jumped out of the aircraft and landed in the centre of the single team, "need any help?" I asked and all their heads shoot to me, "I don't see what one person can do but alright." A girl with white hair and blue eyes said, "wait you're a Schnee?" I asked and she nod, "yes I am." I smiled, "awesome I need to borrow your semblance but don't worry you will still have it." I grabbed onto her hand and copied her semblance, "what?"

Before they could do anything I had Blood Rose in her sword form, "Team ISLE! Guns and Roses!" Ellie come running up to me and turned her guns into her knives, "you hit high I'm going low!" Ellie yelled as we started to attack the king taijitu. As Ellie and I killed the king taijitu I saw the team I met earlier were barley standing, "Ellie protect them." I told her and she gripped my waist and pulled me into her, "be careful." I smirked, "aren't I always."

I changed Blood Rose into her scythe form, "Flower Power!" I yelled and Lily ran over to me, "Iesha we have to fix the crack in the street because that is where all these Grimm are coming from." I nod and turn to the downed team, "what semblances do you have?" I asked and a women in red looks up at me, "I have speed." I nod, "that will do." I grabbed her hand and copied her semblance, "Iesha we have three Nevermores!"

I groaned and looked to the sky to see aircrafts everywhere, "they can handle it but we have to deal with the beowolves!" I yelled and just before I run away the women in red who can barely stand asks, "who are you?" I turn and smiled, "Iesha Rose-Belladonna leader of Team ISLE pleasure to meet you." As I finished speaking I put on my headphones and play my favorite song then ran and started to attack the Grimm.

As the song finished all the Grimm were dead and a lady had closed the crack in the street, "that was tiering." Ellie said and I giggled and wrapped my arms around partners waist since I'm like 5 foot 0 and she's 5 foot 9. "Wait your name is Iesha," I turned to the team that we helped and protected. "Yes my name is Iesha Rose-Belladonna and these are my team mates Scarlet, Lily and Ellie." They all looked at me with wide eyes, "but we saw you go back to your time?"

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