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Older Ruby's POV

I walked into our temporary dorm room Ozpin gave us, "okay Team RWBY I think I have figured a way back to our own time," I told my team. "That's amazing Ruby now tell us your plan," Yang said. "My speed go us into this but maybe I could get us out I mean it's worth a try," Weiss scoffed. "What happens if you take us back in time?" I groaned, "well not trying anything will just make us stuck here." Weiss sighed and nod her head, "true... okay we can try it."

I smiled, "Mummy! Mama!" I heard Y/N yell at us as she tackled my leg, "Mummy! Blake and Ruby took me to Vale and we got cookies!" I looked over to the two teenagers, "why must you feed her junk food." Blake held up her hands, "you try saying no to a pouting Ruby then add Iesha's pouting. I didn't stand a chance," my child giggled. "We also got fish and chip!" Now we all stare at the younger Blake, "okay now that one was my fault."

We all just shook our heads, "so I think I've come up with a way to get us home." The little kitten's head shot up, "home?" I nod, "yes I think we can go home kitten." She started to clap, "yay home!" She ran over to my Blake, "Mama home!" Blake nod and kissed Iesha's head, "yes baby home." Soon the younger version of me caught all out attention, "but that means that we won't have Iesha around us anymore."

Ruby pouted, "well Ruby you only have to wait 4 to 5 years then you will have a little Iesha of your own." Ruby nod and the younger Blake looked at Ruby then to me, "wait you actually want to have my kid?" We all looked at her strangely, "um Blake our future selves are literally in front of us with our child in your future self's arms." The younger Blake blushed, "but still it doesn't mean it has to happen the future is not set in stone or is it?"

"Is this about the whole Blake has a dick thing?" The older Yang asked us and both Blake's blushed, "Yang you brute Ruby wasn't supposed to know yet." Yang rolled her eyes, "well Blake needed to grow a pair and tell her soon instead of waiting until her next rut." Both Blakes, my younger self ad I blushed, "Yang Xiao Long!" Weiss yelled and Iesha tugged on Blake's shirt, "mama what is a rut?" I groaned, "it's nothing kitten."

All of us glare at Yang, "what it's not like she won't ever learn about ruts or heats." I rolled my eyes, "so yes we will be trying to go back at the end of today but this time we will need rope so we ca find each other." I told them and they all nod, "okay but can I just hold her one more time?" My younger self asked, "sure Ruby." I walked over and picked Iesha up then placed her in Ruby's arms, "Iesha you look so beautiful and I can't wait to watch you turn into a beautiful women one day."

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