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Iesha's POV

"Wait your name is Iesha," I turned to the team that we helped and protected. "Yes, my name is Iesha Rose-Belladonna and these are my team mates Scarlet, Lily and Ellie." They all looked at me with wide eyes, "but we saw you go back to your time?" Ellie looked at me, "Babe what is she talking about?" Ellie asked and I looked down at the ground, "guys meet my parents Blake Belladonna and Ruby Rose."

"But Y/N these girls are your age and didn't you say your parents died?" Lily said, "yes they did die along with the rest of my family but these girls aren't my parents yet." They all looked at me confused, "I'm from the future but an accident happened and we were trapped in the past." Ruby and Blake looked down at me, "wait how did we die?" My bottom lip started to shake and Ellie pulled me into her my back to her front.

"You guys and nana Summer went to fight a really bad person named Salem and you won but at a price," Ellie kissed the top of my head just behind my scared ear. "Wait did you just say Summer? As in Ruby and Yang's mum?" I nod at Weiss' question, "Yeah we went back in time when Yang was three and Ruby was a year old. We kind of fell in your backyard." I sighed, "but how did you end up here?" Yang asked.

"12 years ago is when I lost you guys but I lost more then my family that day, I lost my home and was forced to live on the street. At the age of 10 I got on a boat and travelled to Vacuo. I know what you're are thinking and yes I did sneak onto the boat and after I got off I started to live on the streets and steal from rich people here and there just so I can get some food. But when I turned 17 I got into Shade Academy and became the leader of Team ISLE."

Ruby pulled me out of Ellie's arms and into a hug, "oh my poor baby. Alone on the streets with no one to call family and in Vacuo of all places." I looked at Ruby, "is it just me or is it awkward because my mum is younger then me?" My team shake their head, "no it's not just you Eshy." Coco came up to us, "so guys who are your new friends?" I smiled and put my hand out, "Iesha Rose-Belladonna leader of Team ISLE and these are my teammates Scarlet, Lily and Ellie."

"Wait did you just say Rose-Belladonna like as in Ruby and Blake's last names?" I nod, "yeah don't you remember the small cat faunas that was from the future?" Coco nod and Velvet came up behind Coco, "well I may have aged a bit but I still have the scar." Coco's and Velvet's eyes widened, "wait you the kitten we saved from Cardin?" I nod, "yeah I was." Coco smirked at me, "so next time you can handle your own battle with Cardin?" I blushed and nod.

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