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Iesha's POV

"That's the Grimm alarm we have to find Blake and Weiss," I said. Soon Yang's phone went off and it was Blake, "Yang are you okay. Where's Ruby?" I looked over to Ellie then back to Yang, "I'm fine I'm with Ruby, Iesha and Ellie." I looked to see Ruby still staring at Penny's body, "Yang can you meet us at Beacon? Also, be careful the white fang is here." She nod, "yes we are going to head there now." I looked and there was a Nevermore on the force field of the arena, "wait what the hell is that doing up there."

"Blake, we got to go please be careful and we will meet you soon," I ended the call and heard the warning about the safety barriers failing. I saw Pyrrha staying still in shock while the nevermore was fly straight down for her, "Pyrrha!" Jaune jumped down and rushed over to Pyrrha but I could tell he wasn't going to make it so I grabbed Ellie's jacket and kissed her passionately, "I love you Ellie." I ran up and touched Ruby's hand copying her semblance.

I ran over to Pyrrha and attack the nevermore with my sword but Ruby who had finally snapped out of it started stabbing the nevermore repeatedly with one of Penny's swords. Before it could attack her everyone's lockers kept stabbing it in the back over and over again showing everyone's weapons. Everyone got their weapon out of their locker. Everyone worked as a team until the nevermore was dead, "ruby I... I am so sorry..." Pyrrha said.

"It's not your fault," before I could hear any more of the conversation I was bought into a passionate kiss. "Don't you ever do that again," I smashed my lips on hers and the kiss grow until I was in her arms being lifted off the ground. My legs were around her waist and arms around her neck while her hands rested on my ass holding me still, "I love you Ellie." She smiled, "I love you too Iesha. Now let's go we have Grimm to kill."

I call the rest of my team, "Scarlet! Lily! I need your help!" I yelled threw the phone, "we a bit busy with Grimm at the moment we are outside of beacon academy." I nod to Ellie, "everyone most of the Grimm are at the academy my team is fighting it off as best as they can but they are going to see back up." Ruby nod and soon we were on the ground with our weapons out, "okay now let's head to the school." My team came running over to me, "IESHA! Where's Ruby?"

I sighed and Blake's question, "Ruby went to stop Roman and Neo." Blake looked to me then to Ellie's arms that were wrapped around me, "okay Beacon students and my team we are going to stand ground at Beacon while the rest of you go help in the city try and get as many people out as possible and like Ironwood said there is no judgment if you leave." Everyone ran their separate ways, "I'm going to get people out."

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