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Iesha's POV

It has been 15 years since I came to the past with my mummy, mama and my aunties. It has also been 12 years since I lost them to the battle of Salem where all of team RWBY and my grandmother, Summer died. I lost more them my family that day, I lost my home, I lost a roof over my head, I lost 40kgs and was forced to live on the street. At the age of 10 I got on a boat and travelled to Vacuo. I know what you're are thinking and yes I did sneak onto the boat.

But honestly what was I going to say, 'excuses me sir can I please get on your boat for free?' He would of called the cops on me and they would of put me in foster care which would never be good for a faunas so I just pretended like I belonged there and when I got off I thanked the captain like a good girl. So after I got off I started to live on the streets and steal from rich people here and there just so I can get some food.

When I turned 17 I got into Shade Academy and became the leader of my own team like mum did. So right now, my team and I are on an airship that is headed to Beacon for the Vytal Festival. Who in my team you might ask well first there is Scarlet who is a rabbit faunas, he is 6 foot 7 with red eyes and black hair. His semblance is speed and his weapon is a bow and arrow that he calls 'Umbra Bolt.'

Second there is Lily who is a human, she is 5 foot 4 with blue eyes and pink hair. Her semblance is Stealth and her weapon is two guns that turn into a stun gun that she calls 'pink lightning.' Lastly there is Ellie who is my partner, she is 5 foot 9 with brown eyes and brown hair. Her semblance is not unlocked yet and her weapon is two revolver guns that turns into knives that she calls 'black shadow.' I also forgot to tell you about me physically.

Well like my mum I use a scythe and I used the plans she had for crescent rose and upgraded them so now she also turns into a sword. I call her Blood Rose. My semblance is that I can copy other people's semblances thought physical touch but just because I have it does not mean the person I took it off doesn't have it anymore. My team likes to call it Copy Cat because so far in the history of remnant no one has ever gotten or heard of anything like it.

Also I grew up to look and act exactly like my mum in fact the only thing that I did get from my mama was her cat ears, my love of fish and lastly my headphones but that last one was because she handed them down to me before she left to go battle Salem. "Iesha we have trouble up ahead," Ellie said to me. "What's up?" I asked my best friend slash partner, "Grimm." I nod and got my weapon out, "okay guys time to fight."

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