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Ellie's POV

I was in the medical area waiting for my aura to heal, "Miss. Cruz your aura has heal back up to 100%." I thanked the women and walked over to Yang and Blake, "guys have you seen Iesha?" I asked and they nod their heads, "yeah she went after Pyrrha before we could even tell her Ruby and Weiss went after her as well." I looked around and then I saw my worst nightmare come true, "IESHA!" I ran over to my girlfriend who was being carried by Pyrrha.

I took Iesha from Pyrrha's arms, "no babe wake up please come back to me." I cried as I ran over to the nurses, "Iesha please stay with me." The nurses took Iesha away from my arms a d I ran up to Pyrrha, "who did that to Iesha." Ruby looked down, "it was Cinder but Iesha let her go and told her that we wouldn't go off her." I growled, "I'm gonna kill her." I was about to run to Beacon so I can track her down but Yang and Pyrrha held onto me, "let me go!"

I fell to my knees crying as a nurse came up to me, "Miss. Cruz we have stabled Miss. Rose-Belladonna. Her aura is still depleted but we were able to fix the wound with minimal damages, "thank you." I cried in relief, "Ellie." I looked up to see Blake, "yeah?" She sighed out and held her hand out for me, "I've seen how happy you make Iesha and just by that show you care about her a lot so I would like to tell you that I approve of you relationship with my daughter."

I grinned, "really?" Blake nod and pat my back, "but mess up and I will kill you." I nod, "thank you Blake." The nurse came back, "okay all she needs is rest so she can heal herself. You're all lucking it only hit her shoulder..." The nurse smiled then put Iesha into my arm's, "I believe this little kitten belongs to you." I nod and held Iesha close to me, "thank you for helping her."

"WEISS!" I hear a man in his early 40's come up to Weiss and grabbed her hand, "father let go of her." Winter, Weiss's older sister said. "You heard the ice queen let her go," Qrow got his sword out. "She is my daughter and this behaviour of hers has gone on long enough now come Weiss," Yang slowly stood up. The silver haired man was dragging Weiss to his air ship with Weiss cry out to Yang and that's when Yang lost it. "Yang?" I asked but the blonde women was already jumping for Weiss' father and beating the shit out of him.

"Touch her again and you will be 6 feet under," Yang pulled Weiss into her. "So where are we heading?" I asked anyone that would answer, "Patch." I nod and we all entered a new bull head that just showed up. All the grim have been killed and now hopefully we can live out our lives in peace.

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