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Older Ruby's POV

"Okay Ruby everything is in place now all you have to do is gain speed," I heard Blake say threw the radio. "Got it on my way now," I radioed back and I started to ran activating my semblance and soon enough I was vibrating like I was the first time I did this. Soon enough I was my team waiting with rope tied to each other and a single rope that was tied onto them all which was for me so I don't lose them. I crashed into my team sending us through this portal thing that I opened.

Eventually we landed in someone's back yard, "okay where are we now?" Weiss said as I women with red and black hair walked out into the yard, "who are you and what are you doing in our back yard?" The women said and you could just see a little blonde about Iesha's age standing behind the women, "sorry about this my team and I are just trying to get home." The women still looked at me suspiciously, "who are you?"

"My name is Ruby Rose and this is Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long and this is my daughter Iesha." The women deployed her weapon, "I don't know what game you're playing but you are going to turn around and get of my property now." The women growled, "look lady I'm sorry but we are not playing a game and if you wish to fight so be it but at least let us put Iesha in a safe place first." Before anyone can blink a flash of blonde started to run to Iesha, "yay new friend!"

We all looked at the blonde haired toddler who tackled Iesha, "Yang Xiao Long you get off of that girl this instant." All our eyes widen, "wait that's Yang!" Weiss yelled and ran over to me, "Ruby! You pushed us back further into the past!" I winced, "I was only trying to fix what I messed up in the first place Weiss." I looked down and a tear left my eye, "mummy no cry please." I looked down to see Iesha has grabbed my leg, "it's okay kitten."

Iesha looked at Weiss, "bad aunty Weiss no make my mummy cry!" She pushed Weiss away from me and curled up into my arms then started to purr, "wait did you say that you were pushed in further into the past?" The women in a white cloak questioned us, "yes we are from the future and if that is really Yang then we are 23 years into the past." The women's eyes widen, "wait so you really are Yang and Ruby?" We nod our head and Iesha looks up, "cookies?"

We all started to laugh at Iesha and she old timing, "well little one we don't have any cookies little Ruby ate them all." As soon as those words left her mouth Iesha started to cry, "aw poor baby." The women who must be my mother said, "um I don't know if this will be offensive or not but we have some canned tuna in the cardboard." Iesha slowly stopped crying, "fish?" Mum nod and before I could even see her move Iesha was in my mother's arms, "I eat?"

Mum nod and led my child inside with Yang, "guys I don' think we will be able to get home." I whispered and Blake wrapped her arms around me, "it's okay babe you tried your best but to be honest I don't think there is a way to get home."

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