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Ellie's POV

I was in the hospital wing with ice against my black eye, "okay Miss. Cruz you're all good to go." The doctor told me and I stood up, "it's Ellie, right?" I looked up to see a cat faunas with black hair and gold eyes, "yes and your Blake right." She nod, "so what is going on between you and my daughter." I pull the ice off my eye, "she's not your daughter yet." Blake grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me into her.

"She still has my blood running through her veins! Now what is going on between you two!" Blake growled and I pulled her arms off me, "she is my partner." Blake glared at me, "you don't almost kill someone because they hurt your partner now what is really going on!" I rolled my eyes, "Iesha... is... my... partner... my girlfriend... my lover do you need to explained more clearly!" I pulled her hands off my collar.

"Ellie? Blake?" I turned to see Iesha and Ruby standing at the door, "what are you two doing?" Ruby asked and Blake sighed, "just talking." I rolled my eyes the turned to Iesha, "Iesha are you okay?" She nod and I smiled, "so how about we go get something to eat." Ruby said and Iesha was almost jumping up and down, "COOKIES!" I grinned at her and took out a cookie I keep in my pocket but don't worry it is in a wrapper.

"Here you go Iesha," she took the cookie and started to eat it. "Wait you carry cookies with you?" Blake asked and I nod, "of course I do. I mean the first time we meet she asked if I had any cookies so after that I just kept carrying cookies with me just in case she needed any." I told them and Iesha blushed, "now that is how you should be looking after your partner. Why doesn't Weiss do that for me?" Ruby asked and Blake shook her head.

"Where would she put them. She doesn't even have pockets." Blake told Ruby causing her to pout, "find then can you start carrying cookies for me." I smiled and pulled out another cookie, "here you go Ruby." The older women smiled at me, "thank you but how many cookies to you travel with?" I turned to the bed and started to unload all the packets of cookies out of my pockets, "okay I have ten here so that means I travel with 12."

Iesha blushed and Blake turned to Iesha and Ruby, "mother like daughter." I laughed as both Ruby and Iesha blushed, "so um Ellie how is your eye going?" I growled, "that fucking asshole put dust in my eye when he decked me so my aura cant heal it so it has to heal naturally. But I should be asking you if your okay, I mean you did lose it a bit out there." Iesha nod, "yeah I kind of did but I have no clue what happened. I just suddenly saw red and next minute I was by your side."

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