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Iesha's POV

We just got back from Ozpin's office and he said to kept what we know on the downlow so now we are heading back to the dorm, "Iesha thank god you're okay. You ran off so quickly that I could barely get a word out," I smiled at Ellie. "Don't worry Ellie I am fine," I wrapped my arms around her waist and she kiss the top of my head. "So do you want to go back to our room?" I nod, "bye Yang and just tell the girls what happened then if you have any trouble call me."

Yang nod and Ellie and I ran back to our room. As we got there Ellie picked me up by my thighs causing me to wrap my arms around her neck and legs around her waist, "I didn't like when you hugged that red eyed bitch." I giggled and kissed her cheek, "I love when you're jealous." She put me down on our bed then laid beside me. I rested my head in the crook of her neck and started to purr, "I love when you purr it's just so cute."

She scratched behind my ear and we slowly fall asleep. I woke up to someone kissing my cat ears causing me to let out a light moan, "stop you know my ears are the most sensitive part of my body." I looked up to see I was in Ellie's arms, "that's why I like to play with them so much." Ellie started to rub my ears causing me to moan out, "please more please." She smirked and started to rub my ears harder, "oh god."

By now I was panting holding onto Ellie's shirt for dear life, "aww so cute." When she hit a small spot behind my ear I held onto her tighter while I let out my final moan before I came in my panties, "holy shit did I just make you cum by rubbing your ear? I mean usually it takes a bit more." I was still holding onto her for dear life. As my breathing calmed down I panted out, "I don't know what just happened." She looked concerned but then I started cuddling up to her.

Ellie's POV

"Iesha are you okay?" I heard a soft purr coming from her, "Iesha! Ellie! I think Ruby is in trouble!" I hear screaming as someone charges into the room, "what!?" I yelled and I quickly get up which wakes my sleeping partner, "how do you know?" I asked Lily, "I saw her fighting that Mercury guy that lost to Yang and they were fighting in some sort of alleyway in the arena." I got dress and so did Iesha, "go get Yang and meet us at the arena."

We all ran to the arena but before we could get on the aircraft some guy blocked Yang, "sorry Miss. Xiao Long you cannot come on board." I rolled my eyes and got out my gun, "I'm sorry for this." I fired a ice bullet at his feet and it froze his feet in a block of ice. We all go into the aircraft and it took off leaving the guy's feet frozen. When we got there it was too late we saw Ruby on her knees crying as she sees Penny's ripped apart body. I heard Ruby whimper "Penny."

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