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Iesha's POV

"There are three rounds in the tournament, the first being a 4 on 4 team round. The winners of the team round may select two of their team to fight in the 2 on 2 doubles round, the victors of which may choose one representative to fight in the final 1 on 1 round. The remaining combatants will fight through a final round to prove a victor. There are no specific brackets for age or schooling; the only thing that is put to the test in the tournament is skill."

"Contenders are knocked out of the battle by falling below an Aura threshold 15% or by being knocked out of the fighting arena. Aura monitors are able to measure the aura of competitors as numerical values, which are made visible to spectators and competitors. Our first match is Team ISLE of Shade verse Team SSSN of Haven." I heard Professor Port tell the audience then Professor Oobleck counts down after the sides are chosen our side is a forest while theirs is a beach.

I shifted Blood Rose into her Scythe version, "Scarlet cover us. Lily attack from the shadows. Ellie you and I are going to attack head on." Oobleck said, "let the match begin" and it did. Scarlet ran into the tree line and I smirked at the boys in front of me, "heya boys wanna guess whose semblance I borrowed?" They looked confused but then they all started to shoot at me or at least the ones with guns did, "that was the biggest mistake of your life."

My eyes turned crimson red and I flew at them knocking Sage right out of the ring, "okay who wants to take a guess?" Soon enough we were only down to Sun and Neptune, "Ellie don't worry I got this." I walked up with Blood Rose in her Scythe form, "you cheated by taking Yang's semblance!" I rolled my eyes at Neptune's comment, "fine Ellie come here and I'll show them what I can do without a semblance."

Ellie laughed, "okay babe." She hugged me and I now had no semblance, "bye dead boys." We circled each other and they started to attack in duo moves but I kept blocking them, "Iesha stop toying with them." I sighed and banged the end of my scythe into the ground and swung on the ground until I kicked them making them collide into each other then they flew out of the ring. "And the winners of the first round is Team ISLE of Shade Academy!"

After we finished the battle Team RWBY was waiting for us outside, "you took my semblance!" Yang yelled at me and my ears went flat on my head, "I'm sorry but I need something to fight with." She shook her head, "why me though?" I smiled, "you always told me that your semblance was the awesomest so I thought 'why not?' use yours." Yang smirked, "well future me was right my semblance is the awesomest."

I hugged my future Aunty, "so what about we go get some food to fill you up." Ellie say to me as she put her head on top of mine, "good because that took a lot out of me. Stupid Sun. Stupid Neptune." I muttered the last bit under my breath, "what do you have against Sun and Neptune?" Blake asked me, "Neptune is a womanizer and Sun is just an idiot who can't take a hint." They all looked at me with a surprised look, "um okay then so food?"

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