chapter 2

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Nightmare POV

Wow, this is one bad-ass girl. Like the attitude already. I can feel fear, nervousness, and anger in the room. She made her knives vanish. She calmed a bit. Everyone stayed quiet but I decided to brake the peaceful moment. "That was interesting." I grinned then looked at swapfell. "Now that you know her abilities, I want you to behave." They all nod in response. My head turned to Cross then Killer. "Killer, show Cross the bedroom near mine on the right side." She stared at me with wide eyes.

"But Nightmare, you told everyone that no one should sleep near your room." She said while the others jaw hung wide open. "So? Do as I say or else. She flinched then nod quickly. "Let's go Cross! Your room awaits!" She exclaimed trying to hide her fear. Cross giggled at her. Aww....that is cute. Wait! What?!?!?! That can't be real, right?!?!?! Did I just think of that?! Killer left with following Cross behind her. The others stared at me with disbelief.

"What are you looking at?!" I said whipping a tentacle hard on the ground. "Nothing. You act weird. You always throw new recruits like you did to us on our first time, but you gave her a bedroom. What is wrong with you?!" Dust asked. "Something will happen to you if you don't cut this shit." I replied standing from my chair. "I will just um- buh-bye!" He then ran away.

Cross POV

Wow this castle is huge! Very huge indeed. The halls are very dark cause only torches are in here. We kept silent until Killer decided to speak. " are you doing?" She said while awkwardness built in me. "Well, I'm fine. Is he always angry?" I asked.

"Huh? You mean Nightmare? Yep. Always." We stopped in front of a door -which is ten feet tall- and she opened it. I gotta say it is -once again- big. There is a Queen sized bed with white pillows and white sheets. There is a white bed side table near it. There is also a black carpet here shaped circle.

The Perfect room. "So.... Do you want some snacks or something?" She asked. I replied with a yes. We head to the kitchen talking about nonsense things but I already like her being a friend. She is really nice towards me. Maybe because she is a girl. We made it to the kitchen and it is full of stuff here. It is very clean and It is still new. That's weird. "Hey Kills, does anybody cook around here?" I asked examining the frying pan.

"Well now that you mentioned it, none of us cooks. We just steal canned foods or anything that you don't need to cook." She said while digging in the fridge. She got out a cupcake and start munching it.

"Wait. You don't cook?" I asked with an unimpressed look." She shrugged.
"We don't know how to cook. Nobody taught us. If Horror cooks here, we will get sick from the food." She said while cringing. Oh My. Chara then appears beside me. "Cross can teach you how to cook. She is a fine chef if you ask me." Chara said while smiling innocently at Killer. Killer turned her head to me with an excited look. "Really? You can cook? Oh please teach me how to bake cookies." She begged with hope laced in her voice.

"Sure thing Kills. I can teach you some stuff about baking." I said smiling at her. "Yes! Fucking yes! When do we start?!" She said jumping around me in circles and dropping her cupcake.

She stopped and looked at the fallen cupcake. "Well, I'll have to clean that later." We chuckled. "We will start tomorrow morning at five A.M." she hugged me then said thank you. After hugging, Dust came running. He stopped in front of us. "Heya *pant* Cross and Killer. *huff*" He said catching his breath. Three minutes have passed, he finally stopped breathing heavily. "So, what are you two talking about?" Dust asked looking at me. "Cross said she will help me bake tomorrow morning."

Killer said smiling widely. "Oh, OK. Hey Cross, would you like to explore the castle? We could guide you if you want. It is at least I can do for making you mad earlier." He said rather shyly "That's fine with me. Besides sometimes I can't control my temper.

I kinda felt sorry for scaring the scarf dude." I said happily and a bit apologetic. "Come on!" Killer said pissed. "Yes QUEEN ELSA!" Dust said mocking Killer. "I despise her and you know it Dust." Killer said glaring at him. Dust shrugged. "Let's explore the library first." Dust said while pointing at the dark halls.

-Le time skip brought to you by the author-

We explored every part of the castle including the dungeons and torture chamber. Wow they have everything here. I am very good at memorizing things like these. We stopped at the throne room. Nightmare is not here. Maybe he is in his room. "This is where the tour will end. Now I want to sleep as fuck." Dust said walking to his room.

"Me too Cross. Goodnight." Killer said before leaving. Does lord Nightmare have orders for me? I'll check on him to be sure. Chara appeared by my side. "Cross you just like him." My face explode with blush. "No I don't. He is my boss and I don't want any trouble. So shut your tiny mouth." I spat. "Whatever." He replied rolling his eyes. I head to Nightmare's room. I knock on it.

No response.

I knock again.

No response. "Chara fly through the wall and look if Nightmare is in there." I command. He groaned but obeyed. He float through the door. After a minute she returned with a serious look. "Cross...."

"There is someone sleeping on the bed but no sign of Nightmare..."

Oh my~ who is the one sleeping? Have a guess. Let's find out on the next chapter shall we.... But first sneak peek.

???: gah! Cross what are you doing in here?!???!!!!

Cross: I should be the one asking you intruder!!!! Who are you?!

That's it my Stars...

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