Chapter 5

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Okay, I decided to continue this book!!! Yay!!! Here's another chapter! Hooray!! By the way, Killer is a Girl too. I have plans okay? Aaaand thanks for the views and votes 79 at this point!!!!

Let's start!

Cross POV

"DREAM?!??! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY TERRITORY?!?!?!" yelled an dark angry voice.

Oh shit.

I turned around saw Nightmare behind me. I flinched in surprise. Nightmare glared with hatred. Dream glared too but with sadness. It's so awkward. The tension is rising between the two. Its like they are having a staring contest. Two hot- Nope. Nope. Nope. Such a shame Cross. Such a shame. I mentally said.
A tentacle grabbed my right hand.

"Let's go. Now!" Nightmare said still glaring at Dream. Nightmare was about to drag me but warm skeleton hand hold my left hand.

"No need to rush. I'm still asking her name." Dream said gripping my hand tighter. "You don't need to know her name!" Nightmare spat. "Well, I want to know the beautiful lady's name." I blushed at Dreams statement. "Too bad you can't. The pretty lady won't tell her name to a spoiled guy like you!" Nightmare made me blush like a grape. THIS. IS. SO. WRONG.

They glared at each other once again but filled with anger and hatred. This is even worse than a horror movie. Nightmare pulled my hand trying to pry me gently off Dream. Dream did the same. They went on like this for five minutes. I can't speak. My emotions are flipping like crazy.

Nightmare yanked me off Dream, and landed on his chest. An arm wrapped around my waist. I blushed so much I could explode. I let go from the awkward position, still standing between the two. They sent death glares to each other. I gulped wanting to run to the castle. I then felt slimy things wrap around my waist. I realized it was Nightmare's tentacle. He lifted me up, squeezing the life out of me. I felt a wave chill went to my spine.


We heard a loud explosion near the castle. This isn't good. I heard Dream gasp as Nightmare groan. Nightmare put me down as he attacked Dream. They teleported while fighting each other. I panicked. Where did they go. I shooked my head. That doesn't matter now. I summoned my knife and went serious. I teleported back to the castle.

Then saw the crew fighting Ink and The so called 'Blueberry'. Dust and Killer fighting Blue while Horror and Error is fighting Ink. My heart filled with anger and despise towards Ink. My eyes flared with hatred. I also felt pain in my heart. Ink turned her head to me then smiled warmly.

Ughh!! Eww. She is a liar. She jumped from her spot to me. She almost hugged me when I raised my knife to her neck. She looked shocked and backed away from me. Everyone stopped fighting and looked at us. I felt emotionless now. No anger, no happiness, no sadness, just nothing. Everyone kept silent.

"Cross....... What are you doing?" Ink asked softly. I sighed and look down.
"Don't pretend to care, Ink." Anger built in me again. "I don't need you. I don't wanna be your slave. I don't wanna be hidden from anyone again."
I said now trying to stay calm. "Why? What?" She asked in confusion. This ticked me of. "I don't want to be your slave. You trickster! Liar! Your not my FRIEND! YOU NEVER CARED! YOU NEVER TREAT ME AS A REAL FRIEND!" Ink took a step back.

A tear slipped from her eye sockets. I came here to save y-" I cut her. "NO! Just go away!" I yelled. This made her cry more. She opened a portal. Guilt is seen in her eye lights. She signed Blue to go in. They stepped in the portal and disappeared. Silence. "What was that all about?" Dust asked. I turned around. I walked to my room. I got there and closed the door. I lay on my bed. I shut my eyes tight and fell into a dreamless sleep.

Or so I thought....................

Oh my gosh. Such a chapter. I bet questions swirled around your head. Like what happened to Nightmare and Dream?!?! What will happen to Cross now?!

I am so excited for the next chapter. This is so good. Heehehee

So peace out my lovelie stars and thank you!!!!!

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