chapter 24

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hey my starbeauties!!!!! Im back!!! Who missed me? *cricket sounds and silence* okay no one? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heh this is an important chappy for me and everyone else................ I guess. No one else loves me......

JOKE!!!! lots of people love me, well...... i hope. anyways lets get on with the chapter. (~_~) (T_T)

Error's POV

I felt my soul skipped. He will bring my Inky back to life? I felt happy yet excited. I looked at Ink's scarf. I gripped it tightly. I looked at Dream who is looking at me with hope and nervousness. I glared at him and huffed.

"Well? what are you waiting for? start the fucking spell???" i said impatiently. His eyes widened in shock. He placed the book on the ground and flipped the pages. It stopped at a page where it said ' from dust to life'. other words are in different languages.

"bring Ink's dust and shape it in a circular form." Horror summoned a jar in his hands. Inks dust. He shaped it in a circular form on the ground. "now....... we need something that is with her on from the past. does someone have Inks special belongings, from the moment she was a child?" Drea, asked. I lookeed at Ink's scarf then gave it to dream. He placed it in the circle.

"Everybody join hands except me. Form a circle around me and the circle." he said. We formed a circle and do as Dream said. "Now... close your eyes." he told. We did what he rtold. I closed my Eyes and hear dream chant this:

"adducere ad vitam mortuos."

"Advocabit ergo animum et amorem memoriae."

"ille enim semper amare."

"amicus noster."

"quod deam creaturae."

"hie vivat in multiverse. Vobis dicimus pientissimam contentionem!!!"

"guys you can open your eyes now but don't break the circle.!" dream yelled.

I opened my eyes to see Dream kneeling in front of the Ink's dust. suddenly, the dust turned gold. It floated and swirled around the scarf. the scarf became gold and melted into a bright glowing ball. The dust and scarf molded into a shape of a ..................................soul shaped heart. Then different colors of light burst out. I closed my eyes from the flash of light. I once again opened it to see..........

a body of my lover.

Dream signed me to come to Inks body. I kneeled down beside her. She looks so peaceful. So perfect. I want to hug her. "now.... one last step. It says...." dream looked back at the book. He looked at me and gave a smile.

"All we need.... is true loves Kiss." He said. The others fangirled and did a wolf whistle.I flushed deep yellow. I looked at Ink and cupped her cheeks. I slowly leaned and placed my lips on hers. I felt her shifted. This made me very happy. I deepened the kiss. I felt her arms wrapped around mine. I hope this is not a dream. I didn't wish this but I broke from the kiss. I saw her eyes fluttered open slowly. Just like a princes.

My princess. she smiled at me. A tear slipped fronm the corner of my eyes then more tears streamed. She looked sad. She sat and hugged me rubbing my back. I hugged back. I cried on her shoulder. I miss this. The warmth from our bodies. The nights we used to say I love you. She is calming me and telling me things like 'dont worry. im here' 'I hate seeing you cry my love.' i stopped crying and looiked at her beautiful mismatched eyes.

"sorry for making you worry, Inky." she flinched maybe beacause of my raspy voice. "shhhh. its okay, love. I will be here from now on." she said. We hugged and released quickly. She stood and helped me up. She looked at the others. Cross is crying while she is hugging Ink.

"Dont ever lave us again! EVER!" Cross sobbed.

" does this mean you forgive me now?" Ink said.

"Of course!!! It is pretty damn obvious, Ink." cross said mocked. We all laughed. Ink released from the hug.


I released from the hug and looked at.... Dream. He gave me a sad smile and opened a portal. Before he could enter I hugged him. He seemed surprised. He then cried and hugged back. He then released and looked down.

"Ink, I'm sorry for killing you. I am sorry for the trouble. I am sorry that I have been a jerk to all of you. Sorry for hurting your frisks and our friends. Please.............. Forgive me from what I have done." He said. I sighed.

"Dream... you know that I will always forgive you. Dont forget that your my best friend and everyone deserves MERCY." I said. he looked up at m and gasped. he smiled the biggest smile that i had ever seen. "THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!THANKYOU! THANK YOU! I promise from this day that I will think clearly for everyone and love." He said. I smiled at him and looked at our friends. I run to Ruru and tackled him. I kissed him all over his face then to his lips. We separated from the kiss and looked at the others.

" just a request guys. Please forgive Dream from what he had done." I said with hope in my eyes.

"well if that's what you want then okay but he needs to convince me first." Error said.

"i forgive Dream." the others said.

" Dream, I forgive you even after what you have done but please don't do this ever again." Cross said. Dream nodded in response.

"I will, Cross"

"I may hate you from what you did, and everytime, but we are still twins. I may or may not forgive you fronm trying to take Crossy from me." Nightmare said.

"Then I will make you forgive me." Dream said.

I sighed and smiled. This could be the start of the new beginning........

I am so happy guys. I am really glad that I could write again. I you guys. I hope you enjoy this chapter my stars. Thank you!


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