Chapter 15

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Thank you my beauties!!!!!! Oh my god!!!! I am wondering what is your genders. Okay this is Chapter 15.

Dust POV

Blueberry and I think about a plan. This might go right and wrong. I am kinda excited and nervous at the sane time. Especially when she is here. We are both in a bush. This is kinda small that is why we are squeezed together. God this is so- uugh! She is so cute as Frick! Her cute blue eyes and that good personality! But now is not the time. I can see Cross is bored by Dream talking to her. She is using a fake smile. "Okay you ready?" Blue asked with a smirk. I smirk too.

"Let's go."

Dream POV

She is so beautiful. She is like an angel. I can't believe she is here with me. I like her. I love her. "Can I go to the Restroom?" I asked. "Sure." She replied. "I will wait here." She replied.
I ran to the restroom and do my thing.

Cross POV

God I'm sooooooooo boooorrrreeedd. This is a bad Idea. Until...... Dust teleported in front of me. He grabbed my hand tightly. "Hey! What the- let me go Dust!" His grip is like metal. He didn't say a word. He keeps dragging me.

Blue POV

I got to do this quickly. I taped the door of the bathroom. This is no ordinary tape. It is magic restraint. Hgehe. Let's see if Dream can get out. I made sure no one saw me. I dig a pit in front of the door in case if he escaped. Dream is my friend but.... I ship him with someone else. A member of Nightmare's crew. I helped Dust because he is a shipper and my.......... Crush... I blushed and his on a tree, standing on its branch.

Then, Dream kicked the door. It send the door flying far. Wow he is strong. He stepped out and fell in the pit. Hahaha. Good thing I recorded that on my phone. I quietly laugh. I want to see his face slam the dirt. Hahaha.

Wow. I'm like an evil person. Nah... Nope. Dust is evil but strong and cute and handsome and sexy. Wait?!?!?!? Sexy?!?!?! Where did I get that idea?!?
My mission is to stop Dream. And I put........

Snakes in the pit.....

OH GOD!!!!!! HE WILL BE DEAD!!! WHAT AM I THINKING?!?! Wait, He will be fine. We are skeletons. Snakes can't bite us. Only the sharp and strong things can kill us. I need to go to Dust. I teleported right beside him.
He is grabbing Cross by the arm while he snickers.

"Hey Dust, it is done."


Dust opened a portal to Cross's bed and throw the poor skelegirl in. It is done!

"Now where is Dream?" He asked.

"He he. Well he fell in the pit I made."
I said. He laughs. "Where is it?" I grabbed his hand and teleported near the pit. He walked over it and laughed.

"Ha! Look at you! Covered in snakes and dirt!!!" Dust took pictures of him.

"Stop it!!!! I just can't move when there are snakes." I heard Dream yelled. I saw Dream jumped out of the pit. Thus is my cue. I walked there innocently like nothing happened. "Hey Dream, whoa what happened?"
I asked with my innocent voice.

"I guess he trapped me here." Dream huffed.

"Well, someone asked me to get Cross." Dust smirked. "Wait? Where is Cross?"
Dream asked. "She is in Nightmare's castle." Dust said. Dream replied with an oh. "I will go now." Dream said teleporting. I walked to Dust. "Hey Blue. Thank you for helping me and this is my way of saying thank you." He grabbed my chin and pressed his teeth to mine. I blushed like crazy. He pulled away immediately. He blushed as well.

"Bye baby blue." He said and teleported.


***mean while at the library in Nightmare's castle.***

Nightmare POV

I am reading my book when Killer entered with a tray of cookies in her hands.

"Hey Nightmare. I baked cookies. U want you to try them."

"Oh. Okay. Give me one." I said. Sh happily gave me one. I ate it. This is good actually. I just wished that Cross is the one giving me this. Wait what?

"So... How was it?" She asked waiting impatiently.

"It is good! Really good!" I said.

"Really?! That's great to hear!"

I nodded. The door opened slowly. Cross popped her head looking at us.
I smiled and waved at her with a tentacle. She looked at Killer then back at me. She entered.

"Nightmare do you want me to do anything?" She asked her hands behind her.

"No. Why did you asked?"

"While I was in Outertale Dust grabbed my arm and threw me in my room, without a word. He just snickers."

"Wait?! He threw you in?!" Anger is slowly rising in me. She ran by my side. "Woah calm down Nightmare. I landed on my bed." She said massaging my right arm. I calmed a bit but Dust is dead. She is blushing when she realized what she is doing. She let go of my arm. I want her warm gentle hands on me. Killer glared at her but I am just seeing things, right?

"Yeah Nighty. Calm down he just threw Cross on the bed. No need to worry." She said with a bit of hatred?

Why??? Killer massaged my shoulders. Cross grabbed both of my hands and massaged it. I blushed at what their doing. I'm really confused.
What the in the fucking hell is happening here?! I can feel them glaring at each other for a reason. The both of them stopped and ran outside.
What?!?! This is shit!!!

"Wow. Real drama." I looked up to see swapfell on the top of my book shelves reading.

"Since when did you get here?"

"I am in here before you can enter."

"What how did I not notice that?"

"I am slow at moving that I become invisible."

Wow he is annoying but good at this.

Hey guys! That is interesting the competition begins!!!! And.......... CONGRATS DUSTBERRY!!! Wooo!!!
Tell me what you think about this chapter, okay? Bye my lovely stars!

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