Chapter 16

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*Silent crowd (others are booing)*


*Crowd screaming their lives out and running like crazy.*


*time skip the day after*

Cross POV

I'm gonna be honest. I feel jealous. So this is how its gonna be...well, I'll join her. I promise that I will do whatever it takes just to be Nightmare's subordinate. (Oh come on! More like lover.) She thinks she can take my place. No! I will not allow it. I am born to be the best. But it feels like I'm doing this because of something else. I am walking in the halls when Killer walked in facing me.

We glared at each other. She stared at me like a rabid dog, ready to devour me. I also did the same. She crossed her arms. I also did the same.

"Look copycat, stop being close to MY Nightmare!"She said.

"Lookie here, A bitch. I am not a copycat! I am not doing that! Your not my boss. I'm not your slave, so shut it bitch!" I spat.

"Wow. finally got some balls to talk!" She said.

"What? lost yours? Ahahahaha." I mocked. She stomped away looking furiously. Just like a loser does. Tch. Wait... What am I doing? This isn't right. I sighed. Where is Chara? She isn't a bother this past days. Maybe she is asleep.

'Everyone. Go in the throne room.'

I heard Nightmare said on my mind. I guess me and Killer are seeing each other again. I groaned. I teleported at the right side Nightmare's throne, which he is sitting. His tentacles swaying in a calm manner. "Good morning my lord." I said bowing. He nodded. "Same to you, Cross." He responded. I smiled. All of them came....ugh, including Killer. She got on the left side still glaring at me. "Hey Night. How are you?" She said in a little bit of a slutty voice.

Nightmare raised an eyebrow at Killer. I guess wondering why she is talking like that. "Umm... I'm fine." Nightmare said. "Anyways, your mission is to find people connected to the star sansses. Bring all the people you can capture. You may go now." Nightmare said. We ran Killer at my side. She winked at Nightmare. I groaned.

I turned to Nightmare and made a flying kiss. He blushed bright blue. I chuckled while Killer elbowed me. I didn't stumble just kept running. Error made a portal which we jumped in. We made it to an AU. We split places. I jump on the rooftops. I saw a yellow monster with no arms talking to a bunny, in an alley.

"Hey, We need to get the things for...who is that guy again?" The yellow monster said.

"I think it is.. Uhmmm- ah yes! That Dream guy." The bunny said. Bingo.
I chuckled. I summoned bones all around them like a cage.

"What the hell is this?!?!" The bunny said. I glared. "Quiet before I slit your tiny throat!" I whisper yelled. They trembled in my cage of bones. This is gonna be fun!

*time skip after Cross capture some of Dream's members.*

That was fun. I put the last one in the cage. I think it is...ten or fifteen. I saw some people talking about the star shit's plans. I let them be. I only got the important ones. I teleported in Nightmare's throne room to see a Killer who just teleported. We glared at each other. I can see she got people too. We looked at Nightmare who is at his throne with a confused face.

"HI NIGHTMARE!" Me and Killer said in Unison. I glared at her and she did the same. "Hello?..." Nightmare said with a 'what's going on face'. "The two of you did a very good job to be here first. Take them to the dungeons and wait for the others to come." He ordered. We nodded again in unison. I teleported to the dungeons throwing all of them in one cage. They yelled stupid things at me. I shrugged. I teleported back at the throne room. Killer teleported in there too. Nightmare isn't there.

"I got thirty monsters in the cage. I see that you only got, what? Fifteen?" She mocked while laughing. I also chuckled.

"Aww. Use your brain Killler. Why would I get that many slaves? First, the star sansses will notice many of their people are missing and second this is just a job. Not a 'bring me' game." I said continuing mocking her.
"We may be skeletons and we don't have organs but we are smart. Well maybe except you." I said. She huffed.

"You won't steal Nighty from me!" She said. I crossed my arms.

"Is that a challenge? If it is I won't back away from it. I love challenges."
I said.

"What is going on here?!" I looked at Nightmare walking from the shadows.
His tentacles is whipping hardly. I smiled so as Killer. Killer hugged Nightmares left arm. "Nothings happening here." She said. I glared at her but smiled at Nightmare. I hugged the other arm. "She is right Night. Calm down." I said looking at him with puppy dog eyes. He blushed so do I. He looked at Killer who is winking at him.

He blushed again.
"Okay you two get off me now. I need to rest." Nightmare said. We let go of him. He teleported with a blush. Killer and I glared again. I can here footsteps coming in but I don't care about that.

The competition has just begun.

That was..... Something. What do you think? Aaaaaghhh!!!!! Thank you for reading my book. I really appreciate it! I have to go.

Bye my lovely stars!!!!

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