Chapter 18

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Hey Starlings!!! How are you? Okay I know your excited for this chapter so let's start.

Cross POV

We knew that Nightmare left because we heard a portal opening from his room. Killer and I are always glaring or mocking each other to the death. We just finished our little fight. I got outside of the castle. I felt tense outside. Maybe it is just the air? No it can't be.

I wear a fluffy jacket all the time. I felt something weird. A low positive thing. I got the shivers and teleported inside my room. I sawy drawers open. Weird. I looked through it. Chara appeared on my side. Some of my things are gone including three of my panties.(yeah she wears panties deal with it!)

"Chara where did you put my stuff?" I said crossing my arms. He gave a confused look. "I didn't do anything." She said truthfully. I know when He is lying or not. I a shiver ran down my spine. I teleported in the living room to see Swapfell only here, reading a book. I sat next to him with a serious look.

Swapfell POV

The girl sat next to me with a serious look on her face. Geez. Is it because of Killer fighting for Nightmare? I guess it is that is the cause. I closed my book and looked at her.

"Hey Swapfell."

"Sup. How can I help you? You look serious, kid."

"Some of my stuff are missing. Are the guys steal each other's clothes?" She asked. I gave a confused look. "No. We are not stealing here. Specially from ladies." I said.

"My panties are also gone." She said plainly. I stiffened. Eww, gross. Who would steal those? "Who would steal such a thing?" I said curiously. She sighed. "I also notice these days that my drawers and closets are wide open." She said. "I think we have a raccoon. A BIG raccoon that is following you. Nothing lives here even animals and plants." I said. "We definitely need to say this to Nightmare." I continued. She nodded her head.


A loud crash was heard. I think it was from the kitchen. Me and Cross looked at each other and ran fast to the kitchen. Dust and Horror is on the kitchen table aimed with their weapons. All the pans, pots and other shattered glasses are on the floor. Killer came running in.

"What happened?" Killer said putting her hands on her hips.

"We saw something glowing yellow passed by us faster than the wind."
Dust said looking around. "I was about to get water when that happened." Horror added. Both of them jumped off the table. We REALLY need to tell Nightmare what's going on.

Killer POV

This is very weird. "I just saw something outside the window of a portal closing. This is weirder than Cross's fucking ass." I said. Me and Cross glared at each other. Silence filled the air until a portal open. It came from the throne room\ living  room. Nightmare is there. As always, me and Cross goes to his side.

"Hey Nighty!!!" Both me and Cross said in unison.

Nightmare POV

I got advice from Error. He said that the two girls are in love with me and that they are fighting over me. I blushed at the thought Cross is fighting for me. This is shit. this is shit. This is shit! This is shit!!!!!!!!!! Ughhh!!! I hate that I love it. Okay I need to pick. I like Killer first when she is sweet and innocent but....... There is Cross.

"Killer can we talk. In private." I said. She lightened up. "O-okay!" She chirped. I held her arm and teleported in my room. I gripped her tightly. I took a deep breath.

"Killer.....tell me. I want it truthfully. Are you two fighting over me?" I asked blushing. She blushed as well.

"Y-yes." She said.

"So that means you like me. How much us it?" I asked.

"Like my life depends on it." She said.

Oh boy. This is hard. I inhaled.

"Killer..... You are a beautiful woman who could melt anyone's heart with your sweetness. You may be a sweet but you are brave and strong. You are confident and a fighter." I said. She smiled widely.

"But......I........ Like another. I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry. I don't want to hurt your feelings and all." I said. She frowned and looked down. Tears dripping on the floor. She pulled her hand off my grip. "I-its o-okay. At least I d-dont have to f-fight any-more. I won't t-tell Cross." She said releasing a sad chuckle. I hugged her. She hugged back. "Thank you for understanding." I whispered. She nodded. She released and got out of my room. I sat on my bed.

"I'm sorry Kills."

Killer POV

I closed my door and sat on my bed. It hurts to learn the truth. It hurts to see someone you love in another's arms. It hurts but I have to take in the pain. He is not the one for me. Someday I will find my true love. Cross is lucky. I am sorry for myself for being stupid. I am not mad at her. I'm mad at myself.
I am super disappointed. I knew when Cross came, nightmare likes her but I am foolish enough to believe that he will love me the same as I love him. I lied down and slept a peaceful sleep.

One day.

Just one day,

I will find true love.

Wow. It made me cry like hell. Killer, that is so deep. Guys, if you can relate, please tell me. I am really sorry for killer and for those I made cry. Buuuuut...... Yay!

CROSSMARE is life.

I like this kind of Killer. So understanding. I hate yandere. Speaking of yandere. Where is the yandere here? Strange happenings makes me nervous.

Okay hope you like it my sweet starlings.

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