Chapter 19

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Holy mother stars!!!!! We reached Chappy 19!!!!

*skip to the morning.*

Killer POV

I woke up on my floor. I stood and looked myself at the mirror. Oh my! I look like shit but that is not very noticeable. Just bags under my eyes.
I sighed. I got to be strong. I felt so guilty. I walked out of my room and knocked on Cross's door. She opened the door but greeted me with a glare.

"What do you want?" She asked a bit annoyed.


"'I' what?" I kneeled down and looked at the ground.

"I....I'm sorry!" I shouted. I heard a gasp escape her mouth. I repeated those words until I cried.

Cross POV

She is apologizing? What?!?!

"Forgive me. I'm sorry that I had been a total jerk to you. I just did that because I love Nightmare." She said.

I also kneeled down at her level. "This is the most stupidest thing I have ever done. You are the kindest girl to me like my sister but I just throw it all away for some guy that will not love me the same as I love him." She continued. Ouch!!!!!! That stings. "I knew that she loved that girl but was so stubborn. I pushed myself to be determined but I didn't made it. She loved that girl so much." She said.

"I forgive you Killer but Who is the girl?" I asked. She stopped crying and looked at me. She smiled warmly.

"He.... Told me to keep it a secret. She is.... Very sweet and gentle. She is so determined to get what she wants. A beautiful and confident girl. You will find it out soon." She said. I felt a little bit hurt. Nightmare likes another girl? I sighed. I helped her get up and we hugged. "I am sorry that I am an ass to you." I said. She said " I also forgive you."

We released from the hugged. She wiped her eyes and smiled. We went outside. We talked for a bit and bond.
She walked away cause she said she will bake a cookies again. I sighed.
I saw a papyrus guard walking towards me.

"Good morning Lady Cross."

"Well good morning to you too!"

"I just need to report that we saw something glowed outside but it quickly disappeared. We went to investigate but we saw nothing." He said. I turned serious. "Okay. Just patrol near the castle to make sure no one is Spying or intruding." I said. He nodded. "Goodbye lady Cross." He said while giving me a happy handshake. I giggled. "Same to you Papy." I stiffened and froze. He chuckled nervously and walked away. I looked down sadly. Chara appeared by my side.

"Cross... I know it is hard to believe he is gone but you have to let go." She said. "Toughen up! Be okay! Use them to be your inspirations." She said with inspiration. "Thanks Chara." I said. She bowed. "I got to go....bye!" She said. I smirked. "You just want to see Frisk." I said. "Shut up!" She yelled blushing. "I saw your Dream last night. You two are talking and before you go you kissed." I mocked. "Shut up." She said before disappearing. I rolled my eyes. I layed on the ground Not caring if it is dirty. I looked at the red sky. It is enchanting. I closed me eyes feeling the cold air slap my cheeks.


I heard a sound in a distance. I decided to open my eyes and stood. I saw nothing. I looked around while listening to the outside world. I saw nothing. I shivered at a feeling that I was being spied. I ran inside. I felt like something is following me. I knocked rapidly on Nightmare's Door. Looking at my surroundings. I heard shifting in the dark. The door opened I ran inside and locked the door. Nightmare took a step back and looked at me with confusion. He is in his handsome form- I mean passive form. I breathe heavily wide eyed. That scared me as shit!!!

"Cross what is going on?" Nightmare asked.

"I felt someone is watching and following me so I ran here." I said.

I will cut this for now!!!! I know that you are kinda mad for cutting it here. Hehehehe.

Creepy stalker. Brrrrr!!!!

Bye my stars.

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