Chapter 17

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My Beauties! I am back! I am not putting much AN for a couple of fays but at least you got a new chappy chap!!!

*time skip for three days*

Nightmare POV

I woke up and I sat on my bed rubbing my eyes. Cross and Killer became...... clingy........ and....... Weird. They always do things for me, make me relax and all but, its too much. I can feel negativity between the two but they look like friends when I look at them. This is frustrating. They are making me blush every time. I felt weak. Though............. Cross is cute like that. The guys found out two days ago that I have a passive form and it is kinda funny.


I was in my room, in my passive form.
I am checking myself on the mirror to see if I really looked like my brother.
Then the door slammed open. Two people fall down. And let me guess the two cuckoo girls. I turned my head to them.

Killer is on top of Cross (dont get the wrong idea) looking at me with widened eyes. The fall made a loud crash. Cross just waved at me. Killer stood and looked at me from head to toe. I chuckled nervously.

"Killer it is just me. Nightmare. No need to worry or attack me." I said.
I turned to my corrupted form and and turned back again in passive.
"Oh! You look charming!" Killer said. It made me blush.

"Oh hush! Nightmare is always charming." Cross said without any hesitation. I blushed deeper as they clung on each of my arm. Dust then teleported in my room. He looked at me then summoned a bone. Cross and Killer released my arm and glared at Dust.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He attacked me with speed but I am much quicker.
I tripped him which made him fall on his face. Dust stared at the two girls.

"What are you looking at?! Help me capture him! I think he is Dream's fan or something." Dust said that made me snap. I stepped on his back applying pressure. "Why you fu-" Cross cut Dust by pointing a knife on his neck. "What?! Cross why? Your like a sister to me!

Your gonna betray me and the love of your life-" once again Cross cut him blushing. "Shut up, Dust. I'm not betraying you or anyone." Cross said. I turned in my corrupted form that made me heavier for him to breathe.

"Aaah!!! I give up! Nightmare, sorry!"
He pleaded. I rolled my eyes and get off him. He gasped for air and looked at me almost like chocking. He mumbled sorry. Everyone came in and looked at mW with confused faces. I explained all of it to them. They nodded in understanding.

*end of flashback*

They have been more clingy ever since. I sighed. I opened a portal to Error's void. I walked in and...............

Saw him with the creator tied together in his own strings and ink chains, facing each other. They are talking about something, blushes on their face. I think they haven't saw me. I walked closer without being noticed.

"Error, I want to put an end to this thing."- ink.

"What are you talking about, ink blot?"-error.

"........... Let's make......a truce........"- ink.

" what's in it for me?" -error.

"I will stop creating as long as you stop destroying."- ink.

What the heck? Why is Ink doing this? I listened.

"......... Ink.... You know that I work for Nightmare."- error.

" I want you to convince him. I heard Dream said anything about Cross.......
And this isn't good." -Ink.

I stiffened while my eyesockets disappeared. I turned to my passive form and walked in front of them. They looked at me. I glared at Ink. He glared back. I separated them using my tentacles. They stood and fixed themselves. I faced Ink.


Nightmare faced me with........concern, worry, and anger all at the same time. He is strong and really tall. We looked at each other until Nightmare said.

"What is Dream planning?"

"I don't know to be honest but it definitely has to do something with you or.....Cross." I said. I sighed. "He's acting weird lately. Always telling me to draw Cross, ask me information about him and many more. I think he has....hmm..........twelve portraits of Cross? Maybe fifteen? Anyways it creeps me out o the bone." I continued. I saw Error shivered.

"He also comes here sometimes and ask me to make a doll that looks like Cross. He also said that.....make a doll with..............removable.........clothes." Error said that made me cringe.

Nightmare made a frustrated sigh.

"I...............accept the truce." He said that made me shock and happy. "But we need to find out what Dream is up to." He said while I put my Serious face on. Me and Error looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

*le gasp* what is going on?!!? What is happening with Dream?! Oh no guys! This is bad. Well.......

It is up to me...

Comment on what do you think about your chapter. Goodbye my darling stars!!!!! Mwuah!!!

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