Chapter 7

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Hey, hey, hey! What do you think about the last chapter? I know that there is not any thrill or excitement there but I have my plans. If anybody hate me for Cross hating Ink, forgive me. I will make you like Ink again okay? Okay! Let's hop in the chapter.

Cross POV

"*pant* guys! Nightmare is missing!"

Our eyes widened. Where could he be?

"Where do you think boss go?" Horror asked. Swapfell entered my room.

"What are you guys talking ab-

" Oh god do you guys heard that?!?!" Swapfell asked.

Our heads turned to him giving an 'are you kidding me' face with a hint of irritation. "Of course we heard that shit!!!" Error replied. We ran outside the castle. We looked around the area. Dust pointed at the garden, where Nightmare pin's Dream on a tree. We ran as fast as we could to get there. Dream kicked Nightmare with a very strong force, sending Nightmare crashing on the castle's walls.

It Made a louder crash than before. Our eyes widened. I gasped. I ran to Nightmare as fast I can. He tried to stand up but fall back on his knees. I kneeled down. I held his arms to help him stand. He groaned in pain as he stood, still holding my arms.

"My lord, let's go inside." I suggested. He nodded in response. The other guys fought Dream all by himself. I teleported inside of Nightmare's room and laid his body on the bed. He is panting heavily. "Cross get Band-Aids and pain killers." He said. "What?! You are completely injured! Can you heal yourself?" He looked away and shocked his head.

"We can't heal because only a person who has kindness and real love can heal." He said groaning in pain. I sighed. I helped him sit. "Cross what ar-" I cut him when I folded his sleeves up. I put my hand above his broken bone. Green light emit from my skeletal hands. His eyes widened looking at me. I looked back at him with the tiniest concern. After I helped heal his arm, He rolled down his sleeves. He thanked me. I am not contented. Then an embarrassing Idea popped in my head.

"Nightmare..... C-can you t-take of your jacket and shirt?" I asked looking down. My face flushing purple. He smirked at me. He slowly took of his upper clothes. I blushed looking at his ribs. "What's the big deal, Cross? Their just ribs.~" he said in a hot voice. He put his clothes on the side of his bed. I flushed more. He chuckled.

His tentacles looked broken too. He leaned against the wall of the bed. I came closer sitting next to him. I saw the bruises on his ribs that made me worried. I put both of my hands above his chest, healing it. I can notice stares from Nightmare. I looked at him with a confused face. "Why are you looking at me Nightmare?" I asked shyly. He looked away. "N-no reason!" He said Then a question got in my mind.

"Where did you and Dream go when you teleported? We got worried." I asked seriously. His eye brows furrowed and looked at me with seriousness.

"Well, in a cave, not far from here."

I then asked "Why do you have so much scratches and bruises on your body?"

"Cause he used magic on me."

"What?! You have tentacles with you! And your saying he defeated you?!" I asked rather worried.

His eye twitched. "No! Never in life would I say I'm defeated! He just got determined to fight me." I gave him a 'really' face and raised an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes. "He........ Injected me with an enerdin fluid." (Hahaha, I just made that up.) I have no idea what that is.

"What is it?" I sounded stupid. He sighed still looking at me. "It is a potion that makes its target weak and slow. Good thing that he Injected a tiny amount or else it will take time to recover." He said while looking at his healing chest. "Okay..." He looked back at my face. He is weird sometimes but a hottie. What?!?! No. No. No.

Nightmare's POV

"Okay." Cross said. Her face flushed for a reason. She IS cute. After a while the wounds dissapeared. My eyes widened in amazement. It is like a brand new set of bones. She put her hands on her lap then looked at me. "Its finished." She stated. We stayed there sitting in silence, while looking at each other.

Her perfect white and red eyes are the most incredible thing I have ever seen. Her pure white bones are truly fragile. God she is the perfect little shorty. I shooked my head. Funny. Why would someone like me. Pfft. She shooked her head as well. She stand. "I'm sorry for zoning like th-" Error pooped in the middle of nowhere, making Cross fall on my bare ribs. She looked up at me blushing like a grape.

I blushed a tint of bright blue. I looked at Error seeing him put his hands up in the air. "Didn't mean to bother your little 'game'. Sorry. I should go out now. Continue what you are doing." Error said turning around. I blushed like a blueberry. Cross stood and looked away in shame. "Error! I-its not what it looks like!!!" I said in anger and shame. He faced me and said 'okay'. My blush died. I looked at him with a serious look.

"Dream escaped and he manage to make a portal." He said. My tentacles whipped in anger and I growled at the stinging pain on the end of my tentacles. "Calm down Nightmare. We did damage him a lot. He has a broken arm and slashes across his body." I breathe trying to control my anger.

"I'm just gonna go outs-" she was cut by Killer teleporting by her side. She jumped in shock. "My lord are you alright?" Killer asked standing beside my bed. "Yeah I'm fine." I replied. Dust barge in holding a bloody knife. "Wussup!" He yelledmaking Killer and Cross flinced. I flinched at the energetic voice. "Dust, what the hell?!" Cross said glaring at him. Dust shrugged. Cross was about to talk suddenly, Horror appeared standing on Dust's back. Dust's face met the solid ground. He mumbled 'fuck' which made me chuckle.

"What now?" Asked Horror.

"Truth or dare?"

"TRUTH OR DARE!!!" Everyone cheered except me.

Oh this is gonna be a long day.

Gfahahsggskshsg. On the next chapter is truth or dare guys. Yieeehh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will be so much fun! What do you guys think?

I don't have much to say so, bye my stars! Peace.

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