Chapter 6

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Hey guys and gals!!! Your girl is back! Whoop-whoop! So here is your chapter 6. I hope your ready for this thing. I always remind you slow updates. I'm so sorry for making you guys wait. I decided to make a multiship story if this book got 500 reads and 75 votes. So onto the story....

Cross POV



*huff*huff* "You don't deserve love, Cross!" The voices yelled my name like poison on their tounges.I kept running and running in the black ocean floor. I tripped and fell on the floor, my face first landed. The voices laughed at me. "Ha! Look at that! So pathetic! So weak!!!" The voices got louder. "No I'm not! Stop saying this!" I yelled back. I stand up running again. Tears emerged from my eye sockets. "Who would want as something like you?" They said while laughing. In a distance I saw something emerging from the water. It is turning into a shape of a person. I ran to it yelling for help......

I stopped and froze..........

But, its not what I expected...

It is My father, Gaster. My heart beat dropped as I saw his face. He smirked an evil smile. I stepped back. He stepped forward. Then I saw another form in the water.........


I filled with rage. Gaster and Ink looked at me like I'm an idiot. They crossed their arms at the same time. They throw disgusting faces at me.

"Look at this experiment...." Gaster said.

"Heh! He is not an experiment, Gaster. More like a trash that can be thrown everywhere." Ink said looking at me head to toe.

"I'm not a thing!!!!!!" I yelled at them.

They raised an eyebrow. Gaster dissolved in the water dissapeared and Ink teleported one foot away from me.

She laughed hard. "Who would care for a useless rat like you?! Do you honestly think that there is someone out there to love you?! Like a precious treasure?! Too bad- No! Too Good cause Your wrong!" She spat on my face. More tears came out of my eyes. I gritted my teeth. She raised her brush and smacked me with it.

I coughed blood. I fell on my back. She chuckled and turn around. "So Pathethic." She said walking away, vanishing into the black surrounding. I felt something grabbed my feet and arms. I struggled to go but no avail. It dragged me in the water I looked down to see hands holding me.

I tried to get away. I am sinking in the dark water. At bottom of the water is Gaster holding a bone in hand. It's tip is sharp he smirked creepily. "Goodbye,experiment." He said as he stabbed me.

I saw a bright light.

"Cross" I heard a voice.

"Cross!!!" The voice got louder

"Cross! Wake the fucking up!!!!"

My eyes opened wide. I gasped for breath. Killer at my side rubbing circles at my back. I looked at Horror with a camera in hand, recording everything that happened. He put it away when I glared daggers. Dust looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Cross, are you alright?" Dust asked.

I smiled. "No need to worry Dust." He made a Frisk face. "How can I not worry when you scream like you where tortured?" He said. Chara made himself visible and stood in front of me. "Shit Cross. I feel your fucking pain and saw your nightmare. Is... that..........Gaster?" He said. My eye lights dissapeared.


"Arghh!!!" I screamed at the pain. I can't move. I am strapped with leather belts on a metal surface. "Cross, shut up!" Gaster said inserting a needle in my bone. A tube is connected to it. The tube is connected at a jar of a humans determination soul. He slowly made the soul turn liquid. The liquid then inserted in the tube that is leading to me. My eye s widened. "No! Please! I beg you release me!" I pleaded while struggling. He stayed shut. He put a cloth in my mouth. When the determination fluid came in me, I felt a large amount of pain. I released muffled screams. Tears streaming my skull. I then passed out.

*End of flashback*

I gave them a fake smile. "Heh, I am really fine." I said while hiding the pain. Chara shook his head. "Whatever Cross." he made himself disappear. "If your feeling bad tell us but not that much." Horror said. Dust elbowed him in the stomach hard. Horror yelped. "Fuck you Dust." He mumbled. Dust rolled his eyes while me and Killer chuckled. Error barged in my room.

"*pant* Guys Nightmare is Missing!"

Our eyes widened. Where could he be?

Hey! Well there is a flashback! I hope you like this. Hmmm..... You guys wondering where Nightmare is right? On the next chapter you will find out. Well of course. Anyways see you next time!

Bye my Cute starlings!!!

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