AN- Chapter 12

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My stars I'm back! I don't have much AN so let's go!


*Three weeks after the jealous Night*

Cross POV

After that awkward day, Nightmare and I avoid looking at each other. Sure he gives me missions buuut, either of us looks away. I Dream didn't
saw Dream the past few days. I mostly feel death glares from Killer. I am now in front of Killer's room. I inhaled.


No answer.


The door opened revealing nothing but a dark room.

"Killer? I need to talk to you."

"Ugh! Tsk! What do you want?" She huffed at me. "What happened? Did I do something wrong? Why are you gibing me glares?" I asked.

"You know what's wrong!" She yelled. I stepped in the room. "You steal someone from me. Get out now!"

"Killer wait-" she kicked me outside, making me hit the wall. She closed the door with a bang! I got up blood drip from my mouth. I sighed and teleported in the medic's room. Our medic's name is Livy. She is a fallen angel with both good and evil magic.
Horror found her last month and she says she is willing to be a healer.

'Hi Cr- Oh fucking crackers! What happene!" She ran to me and placed me down on one of her hospital beds.
She sat next to me.

"Dear can you remove your clothing?"

I nodded. I took off my jacket, scarf and shirt. She placed her hands on my broken ribs as purple magic emitted from it. It is restoring!!! This girl gotta teach me a lot of healing. The windows shattered by a rock. It hit the flasks and glass bottles of Livy. Foot steps are heard then the door opened.

Nightmare POV

I was doing my paperwork of the negative feelings have gone through the multiverse when shattering sounds are heard from the medic. First the load bang near Killer's room now This! I got up and stomped all the way to the medic. I slammed the door open.

"What is g-" I stooped when I saw....




I covered my nose it squirt blood. My eye lights dissapeared. I blushed furiously. She tensed and covered her bare ribs with her scarf. She flushed darker than a grape. She is glaring at me. Livy snickered and Cross's eye twitched.

"My lord I don't want to be rude but, G-GET OUT N-NOW!!!!!!" She yell command. "Calm down Cross. We are not yet done your bones will crack again. I immediately ran outside. I closed the door and leaned on it. I still hold my nose,that is still bleeding.

Her white bones.... So pure and super fragile. Just like one touch it would break. Oh I could kill the person who did those marks at Cross. But.... there is Not a single scratch on her neck. It is perfectly cle- HOLD UP! WHY AM I THINKING THIS?!?!?!?! IT'S LIKE IM A MUCH OF A PERVERT THAN LUST!!!!! WHY ARE HER LOWER RIBS ARE BROKEN? BUT SHE-

"Hey Nightmare what happened?" Dust came from God knows where. He was about to grab the handle. When I grabbed his wrist with a tentacle. I glared at him.

"DO. NOT. ENTER!" I commanded gripping his wrist tighter.

"Ow. Ow. Ow! Okay okay. Just tell me what happened."

"Livy is H-healing C-cross." I said looking away. "What's the big deal?"
He asked. "She is half naked idiot!" I whisper yelled.

"Oka- wait... How did you know?"
He glared crossing his arms.

"Yeah Nightmare. How did you know?" Horror asked.

Swapfell along with Error entered raising their eyebrows.

"I-i.......uhmmm....w-well......" I don't know what to say. They gave me a glare.

"Oh come on guys. Stop glaring. I'm curious though." Killer said entering.
The door opened revealing my savior, Livy.

"She just needs time to repair the bones. I made her fall asleep. She is alright nowBut The lower ribs are really injured." She said. She then grinned. That look is not good. "Oh and one thing. When I was healing Cross, Nightmare just opened the door without knocking. So he saw Cross half naked." She snickered and entered the room again. The guys gave me another hard glare. My savior turns out to be a devil in disguise.

"Dude that's rude."

"Yeah. She is a girl. You can't just walk in there and yell."

"P. E. R. V. E. R. T."

I snapped at their comments. I raised my tentacles at them, giving one of my best glares. "I am not a PERVERT, got it?!" They shrugged but I can feel they are nervous. "Okay Nighty, chill." Killer said patting my back. I calmed down. "Heh thanks Killer." She blushed. "N-no prob-lem." She stuttered before hugging me. I can feel another glare from the guys. I pulled away from the hug as the door opened.

"When I say Cross is sleeping get her to bed." Livy crossed her arms. "I'll take-" Dust cut my sentence. "Livy, let me take Cross to her room." Dust said as
I glared at him. I don't know why but I just glared. He rolled his eyes. He entered the room and came out with cute sleeping Cross in his arms. He carries her bridal style. I don't know what am I feeling towards Dust. Am I jealous? Dust walked away to Cross's room. Well I don't want this jealousy to grew bigger so I went to my room and slept.

Dust POV

Killer is really breaking my ship!!! This is not cool. I don't ship Killermare like others of you! (Dust! The fourth wall.) I ship Crossmare.
But I font want to see my buddy sad. Maybe we all need to think about this.

I layed Cross down on her bed and tucked her. I wish I could carry Blueberry like that. I flushed. No! No! No! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! U need clear my head. This whole love thing is getting into me. I ran to my room and sat on my bed. I stared at the floor. I sighed and think. I got to be honest, I don't know why I think about the little blueberry. She is too cute for this world. No! Stop it Dust. Argghhgh!!!!!!!

Hey hey hey. Look at that my stars. Dust is a CROSSMARE fan. Yay! But Killer is ruining it! Livy is just a name I think of.

Poor Cross.

Poor Crossmare.

Dustberry is not sailing.




I hope you enjoyed this chapter my stars. Bye~

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