chapter 25

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YEAH BABY!!! CHAPTER 25. I just want to take a moment get a little real.

Thank you for the supports you have given me. All of you deserves to be happy. everyone is suppose to appreciate you guys. my stars. my friends and my love ones, may Dear God bless you.

Lets start my colorful stars!!!

~Five Years later~

Cross POV

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the person beside me. Nightmare. I snuggled next to him, laying my head on his chest. He is in his charming passive form. I just woke up from an amazing sleep last night. (don't even think about it you sinners.) I heard him chuckle. I looked at him. He is looking strait at me, with a warm smile.

"Good Morning, love." He said while kissing me on the forehead. I giggled at this.

"Morning, Nighty." I said.

"Hey Crossy , can you be ready for tonight? just for a date. With the others too." Nightmare said blushing. Awwww. "Of course. I will never say no to you." I said. We kissed on the lips quickly then head downstairs. It is lonely here in the castle cause others moved away.

Dust is with Blue. Error is with Ink. Killer is staying with Ink and Error. Dream is at his house. Horror is with Lust. Swapfell is at his house maybe torturing his papyrus. Chara.... she is now free!!! Error gave her an extra soul he had in the antivoid. YAY for her!!! I still can't believe she is not attacking anyone. She is roaming around the whole multiverse.

I think she became Chara the explorer. (dora, dora, dora the explorer~~~) Its been years since that happened. Now our lives are peaceful. No one getting hurt, no one is angry with each other, no more messes. I'm happy with my life now with Nightmare. Everyone is happy. The multiverse has its color now. Everything is back to Normal. 

I head to the kitchen and made breakfast. Bacon and eggs with toast on the side. I also made strong coffee. Nightmare doesn't like sweets but he does eat it if he doesn't have a choice. I then saw Nightmare came in the room. "That smells good. Thanks for cooking breakfast, Crossy." Nightmare said kissing me on the forehead. We sat down and started eating. After we finisehed eating I started washing the dishes.

"Hey Baby, I will head out do my job and other stuff, okay?" Nightmare said. He turned into his corrupted form then looked at me. I left the dishes there and looked at him. I gave him a sad smile then pouted, crossing my arms. "Aww. Crossy, stop pouting. I will be back at the time of our date.

I will pick you up." He said. I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "what time, Nighty?" I asked. "Mmm... Seven." He said Giving me a quick kiss on the lips. I sighed and let go. "Just be alright." I said. He nodded and left the door. I watched him by the window as he enters his portal. I teleported in front of the sink. I then got back washing the dishes.

*let's just time skip to the date after she does her daily chores and training. Yup training.*

I looked at the clock. It is seven already. I looked at myself in the mirror before smiling. Then...


That must be Nightmare. I teleported downstairs. I opened the door. I then saw Nightmare in his handsome passive form in a tuxedo. With his crown too. I became a blushing mess. He is holding a purple and pink flower bouquet. He then gave me a smile and said:

"You look lovely, baby. These are for you." He said Handing me the beautiful flowers. I kissed his cheek. "Aww, thank you. I love it. You look handsome... as always." I said making him blush and smirk. I placed the flowers on the coffee table infront of the T.V. He then wrapped an arm around my waist. I smiled. He opened a portal. We entered it and arrived at Outertale.

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