AN- Chapter 13

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Okay so here it is Chapter 13. I can't believe I made it this far. You made me DETERMINED. My stars I have an announcement! The book will be published soon!!!! Soooo.....stay alert. It can break your heart if your ships are not there. On to the story.

Cross POV

I fluttered my eyes open. I am in my bed. I remembered that..... Ugh!!!!! That Nightmare happened. Just barging in a room without a knock.

Wait why am I here? I'll ask the guys later. Wait I am missing something.... That rock.... I got up and got to Livy's room. I knock on the door. It opened revealing Our nurse. Livy smiled and spoke. "I see your awake. I knew you would come again. Looking for that rock right?" I nodded. She took the stone from her pocket. It has a note attached to it.

"You do notice the paper on it right?"
I asked raising a brow at her. She nodded and yawned. "Good night Cross it is ten in the night already. It is for you. I read it if you don't mind." She says sleepily. "Okay." She closed the door. Did I slept that long. I ran to my room. I closed the door and sat on my bed. I read the paper attached to it.

To the most beautiful person, Cross,

I guess you are wondering why I sent this letter. I am asking you to come hang out. If you only like. I am not pushing you. I really want to meet you.
Meet me at Outertale at eight, pm. If you don't come I understand. Take care.

Sincerely yours, Dream.

Aww. This made me blush a little. I put this on my table and turn the lights off. I slept debating with my mind if I will go or not.

*me time skip brought to you by the the cute and lazy author.*

I opened my eyes and made myself ready. I ran to the kitchen and made myself breakfast. I am too lazy to make anything. I remembered that me and Killer should bake. I guess that can't happen now that she is mad at me. I noticed that Chara has been quiet and not here all the time. I kinda miss his annoying -but sometimes helpful- presence. "Sup Cross." And I saw Chara on
his visible form. We walked all the way to the throne room. He suddenly asked a question out of the blues. "Are you going to your date with Dream?"

Dust POV

"Are you going to your date with Dream?"

My Asgore! Date?!?!? Nightmare is gonna be pissed if he finds this out.
I am hiding behind a statue. I gotta follow them.

"Its not a date Chara. He just wants to hangout. I need to go there to find out what is he up to." Cross said

"But Cross, Where? When?" Said Cross Chara.

"Later at eight in the evening in Outertale." Cross said.

Oh my. That fucking Dream is ruining my ship!

Hey guys short chappy here just a cliffhanger. Bye my stars. Hehee

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