Chapter 11

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Thank you guys!!!! I love ya'll so much. Mwuah! Face reveal at ......
let's just say hmmm....700 views? Hihi. I look so horrible but no judging okay? I guess all of you want a Cream and Crossmare Fights. My friend is literally screaming me to publish this or else. Hahaha she us funny but kinda scary sometimes.

Cross Chara POV

The Star shits arrived.

Aww man! I groaned in annoyance. Me and Nightmare glared at them. Ink looked at me from head to toe. She looked shock to be honest because Cross never let me borrow her body. I smirked.

"Greetings, my name is Cross Chara."
I said with my 'infamous' smile.

They looked at me in disbelief except Nightmare, whose death glaring with Dream. The blue bandana girl attacked me with bones. She is fast but not fast enough. I dodge all of her incoming attacks. All I did is summon a knife and dodge. (Chara is a bad assed girl) I kicked her stomach when she let her guard down. I attacked her. Slash. Kick. Stab. She fell on her knees as I laughed wickedly. I saw Nightmare and Dream fighting with hatred. I looked back at the blueberry in front of me. She is dripping from her mouth. Aww. What an incredible sight. Ink is just tearing up for no reason. Standing there like an idiot. Ugghh...Pathethic. I treated her like a sister once.


We are in Outertale arranging the damages that Error destroyed. I am standing beside Cross. I can be visible but I cannot feel things. If I touch a thing my hand will just go through it. I can see Ink is exausted. Her eyes are droopy. I felt putty for her. "Cross go put her on her bed." She nodded and opened a portal. I floated infront of Ink. "Are you okay?" I asked. "No need to worry Cc." I sighed. "Do you want anything?" I asked once again. "Yes actually. Can you fix five AU's?" I flinched. Five AU's! "O-okay. Just for you." She replied with a smile. "Thanks." After we placed Ink on her bed, we headed to the broken AU's.


I felt hot tears on my face. I...... Cried? Why am I feeling this? She betrayed us that's why! Someone patted my head. "Shhh. Its alright Chara. We will get over it one day." I gritted my teeth.
I turned to my side to see Cross with a gentle caring smile. "Cross, I want to rest." I said dropping the knife, disappearing in the air. I shut my eyes closed. Ink why?

Cross POV

I gained control on my body again. I looked down and saw Blueberry beaten up. Heh. I kicked her stomach which made her grunt. Ink is crying for nothing. She shows weakness. Nightmare and Dream stopped fighting as soon I saw the both of them. Dream smiled charmingly and Nightmare smirked seductively. I flushed a deep-deep purple for their actions.

They glared at each other. AGAIN!!! God. "Cross let's get out of here!" Nightmare said. I was about to talk when I felt slimy hands at my wrist. I looked down and of course, One of Nightmare's tentacles. He opened a portal he tugged as a sign to follow him.

I walked beside but something tugged on my scarf. Its Dream. "Hey before you go, can we hangout next time? If you want. I'm not pushing you." He asked kindly and a light gloden blush spread across his face. He looked at my eyes waiting for my answer.

"Okay, I wi-"

"No you won't Cross!"


"No Buts! We have to go."

I nodded my head. I don't want to get into any trouble. Nightmare gripped my hand tighter. Dream tugged my hoodie making Nightmare release his grip on me. I turned to Dream he smiled. He leaned and kissed my cheek. Oh my Asgore! I think a purple pie splattered my face because of its color. Then I felt that I can't breathe. I look down to see two tentacles gripped my chest tightly.

I tensed. I was about to struggle when I saw the anger plastered on Nightmare's face. Thus is not the time to make jokes. He huffed at Dream. His eye lights flared. He ran in the portal with me dragged along by him.

Arriving at the halls in front of my room he put me down. This isn't good. He glared at me threateningly but then softened. What is going on?!?!?!?
He grabbed both of my hands and kissed me on the cheek. He immediately let go of my hand and ran to his room, shutting his doors tight. I felt dizzy but happy. I got inside and locked the door behind me. I flopped on my bed like a starfish. I hugged on of my pillows. This is an odd day. I chuckled to myself and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Hey, hey my viewers! How was it? Was it bad? I think it is trash. Anyways I hope you guys like it! Have good day or Night! Bye my stars!

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