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I got to my room and just started throwing random stuff in my suitcase. I had a lot, but not too much. I could pack everything in a suitcase and two book bags, both of which were about to burst. I saw Fran come in, and I ran up and hugged her.

"I'm leaving today!" I signed quickly, picking my pillow and blanket up.

"Let me help you get those downstairs then," Fran picked up one of the book bags and my suitcase. I picked up the other book bag and led her downstairs, where Patrick and Elisa were standing and waiting for me to get there. Patrick took my suitcase and book bag from Fran, who in turn hugged me. "Merry Christmas!"

I turned and hugged Mr. Van as well, "I told Patrick and Elisa the website you used to learn ASL, so that they could learn too." I nodded and followed my new parents out the door. We reached the car, a small 5-seater Volkswagen, and Patrick helped me set my bags into the trunk. We all got in, and from where I sat I could see Elisa signing her and Patrick up for the ASL website. I smiled, as Patrick looked at me in the rear view mirror.

"You can read lips right?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes concerned. I nodded, and he relaxed in his seat, "Do you have anywhere you want to eat?"

I had never really "eaten out" before.

I shrugged and pulled my phone out, typing the message in my notes and showing it to him. He nodded, "Let's go to.... Texas Roadhouse?" He looked to Elisa and said something I didn't bother translating. Elisa nodded, and Patrick looked back into the rear view mirror. "It has stuff like steak, burgers, and chicken. Lots of chicken," He smiled at me, then resumed driving.

Was this what it was going to be like every night?

I immediately imagined myself getting overweight from all the eating out and made a mental note to ask Patrick of I can get a gym membership.

I felt a tap on my knee and I looked up at Elisa, "We bought some basic things for your room the other day, like a bed, dresser and desk, but we can go to the store tomorrow and buy some other things for in there." I nodded, and on habit I signed thank you. To my surprise, Elisa replied with "You're welcome, sweety. I know a little bit of sign language from teaching Declan and Antero."

I forgot they already had a kid. I nodded, wondering where he was.

"We left Declan and Antero at Pete's place, we have to go pick them up really quick and then we'll all go out for dinner," Patrick explained, pulling into a neighborhood. I nodded, hoping the babies would like me. We pulled up to a fairly large house and I gulped. I had no idea why I was so nervous. They were babies. Maybe because it was because I was also going to meet Pete Wentz and Megan Camper? Patrick and Elisa got out, and motioned for me to get out and follow them to the door. I was silent, per usual, as Patrick knocked on the door.

Pete opened it, holding a kid that looked exactly like him in his arms, "Hey Patrick! You must be Eve," Pete seemed calm. That helped me relax a little bit. "Come in guys, Declan and Antero-" I didn't see what else he said because he turned around. We all walked into the house and immediately I saw three other kids running around. Three boys. I could pick Declan and Antero out immediately, they looked exactly like Patrick and Elisa, respectively. Once the duo saw their- our- parents, they ran up to us immediately. I could actually hear their shouts of joy.

Jesus, how loud are they?

I say that because I can only hear sounds that are about 90 decibels, just between the sound of a chainsaw and a bass drum. I can hear concerts, which is why I love music so much. Their screams must have been a little over that 90 mark. Clinically I was diagnosed with severe hearing loss. Like I said, I don't really mind.

"You look surprised Eve," Elisa pointed out.

I took my phone out, I could hear them screaming. How loud are they? I showed the phone to the adults and they laughed.

"They were pretty loud." Pete said, "Are you just hard of hearing?"

Yes, I can only hear sounds that are above 90 decibels. So, I can blast music, which is probably the only reason why I knew who you guys were. I smiled sheepishly as Pete read. I could see him laugh.

"You blasted our music through the orphanage?" Pete asked, putting shoes on his kids.

I nodded, Only the stuff that had no curse words or didn't obviously imply anything. I could read  the lyrics though, so I read over Dance, Dance a lot but I could blast Favorite Record.

Patrick read my reply to Pete and he nodded, "Oh yeah, Megan will meet us at the restaurant." I found myself nodding, walking with everyone else out the door. Patrick helped put Declan and Antero into their car seats, allowing me to crawl in. I could see Patrick gently explain to Declan that I couldn't hear him, but I could understand. He explained who I was to them as well, and they both started bouncing excitedly.

"Hi Eve!" Declan shouted. I couldn't hear him, but I could see his enthusiasm. I grinned and waved. "My name is Declan! I'm this many!" He held up three fingers and I grinned, high-fiving him. I turned to sit correctly in my seat, still looking at Declan as he babbled on about himself. Antero wiggled in his seat.

Honestly, I couldn't wait to be more of a part of this family.

Can You Hear Me? ~ Adopted by Fall Out Boy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now