Uma Thurman

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Patrick called Elisa and updated her on everything. She wasn't angry either, although she did have to explain what everything meant to Declan. He, of course, wasn't angry either. More curious. The boys also decided that all the families would go out for dinner for figuring out the album name and my sexuality. I texted Ana just as we were leaving that I was bisexual and demisexual.

Ana: Good job figuring it out. I'm pansexual, and I've been waiting to tell you this but I kinda have a crush on you.

I squealed, causing Patrick to slam on the breaks.

"What is it? Are you okay Eve? You never make noi-!" I cut Patrick off by showing him my phone. He read the text and smiled, "Ask her out. That's the girl from last night, right?" 

I nodded, texting Ana: Would you like to go on a date sometime?

She replied creepily quick: You're serious?

Me: I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't.

"We can pick her up for dinner if you want," Patrick offered.

I texted her quickly. She sent her address and we started towards her house. 

"Please don't be too overprotective," I pleaded, knowing full well that he wouldn't.

"Nah, it would be Pete you have to worry about. Why don't you text him that?" Patrick offered, pulling into Ana's neighborhood. I saw her and scooted over towards Patrick (his truck was a 3-seater). I opened my door and Ana climbed in as I was texting Pete.

Me: I'm bringing my new girlfriend tonight, don't be stupid.

Uncle Pete: Me? Stupid? Never! 

I laughed, showing Patrick, "That's Pete for ya honey. Hi Ana," He stuck his hand out, "I'm Patrick, Eve's dad."

They shook hands, "Hey Mr. Patrick, I'm Ana." I forgot what her voice sounded like. It was light and airy and elegant at the same time. It sounded like Jen Ledger's singing, perfect. I couldn't help but stare at her as she talked. The rest of the world seemed to fade away, and for a second I thought my hearing aid had died accidentally. Ana saw me looking at her and giggled, bringing me out of the trance she put me in. "You like what you see?" She flipped her platinum blonde hair.

"More like I like what I see and hear," We both blushed, and Patrick "awwww!"ed from his seat as we pulled into the restaurant. 

Patrick parked and we all got out, walking in. I saw it was Outback. I smiled, taking Ana's hand. A waitress led us to our table, where the rest of my family and the band were all sitting. They all cheered as I pulled Ana's chair out for her, then sat next to her. Patrick sat next to Elisa, and the other adults were seated by them. Poor Bronx was in between all four of the younger kids. He looked ready to murder someone. I smiled and waved at him. He immediately brightened up and waved, hopping out of his chair and coming to hug me. I smiled and he began to talk. 

"Eve! I made a project in school today!" I tried my best to look interested (which I was), "It was about the planets, and they were spinning too!" 

I nudged Ana, hoping she would translate for me, "That's so cool!"

Ana got the clue, "She said that's so cool! I'm Ana, by the way, Eve's new girlfriend."

"Ooh! How long?" Marie asked. 

"About 15 minutes," Ana explained, laughing. Marie grinned and started talking to Ana, I searched around the table for someone else to talk to. Andy, poor thing, was sitting between Ana and Ruby. I tapped Ana's shoulder and asked if we could switch. She obliged because it meant she could be closer to Marie. I smiled at Andy as the waitress got Patrick, Ana, and I's drinks. Once she left, I struck up a conversation with him.

"So, you really like Ana huh?" He asked, leaning close to me so he could hear me over the kids. 

I nodded, smiling and pulling my phone out, I mean, it's like I've known her my whole life. We played a question game while we were at the studio today, so I know quite a few things about her now. 

Andy read that and nodded, "I wish I could find someone as quickly as you did." His shoulders slumped a little, and he looked back to his menu.

I'm sure you'll find someone! I showed him.


Dude, you're a drummer. Chicks dig drummers.

Andy laughed, looking at me. "I guess you're right."

I smiled as our drinks came out. Bless their hearts, they have to cater to 14 people. I made a mental note to try and ask Patrick to tip big later. The waitress gave me my drink and I signed thank you, taking a sip as I turned back to Andy.

I was about to start talking to him again when Elisa called me, "Eve! We forgot about the girls' day!"

My eyes widened, We totally did! I face-palmed, blushing.

"It's okay! We can go tomorrow, and Ana can come with us!" Elisa suggested.

Ana looked up to Elisa, brows furrowed, "You're sure? I mean, we just met tod-."

And with that, my hearing aids died for the day. I frowned and pulled them out, pulling the case out of my purse. I tapped Patrick on the shoulder (around Ava's shoulders) and began signing, "My hearing aids died, I put them in my bag."

Patrick nodded, "Okay honey, I'll let everyone else know?"

I nodded, and I could see him tell the rest of the table. They all nodded, a couple of sad looks from a couple of people, the kids blatantly ignored Patrick (which I was more okay with than the sad looks). I shrugged, and Ana told me that she was coming with us tomorrow for girls' day. I smiled at her, signing again, "Wanna tell the public about us?

Can You Hear Me? ~ Adopted by Fall Out Boy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now