Beat It

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After breakfast, we went to the mall. Our first stop was inside of Hot Topic because Ana had never been. The cashier waved at all of us, and I took Ana to the back. 

"Baby, I can't afford this," Ana said.

"That's why we're gonna buy them for you," I signed, taking her hand after. "Mom and I talked this morning on the way to your place, we figured we could," I smiled at her as she looked around in awe.

"Thank you so much babe," Ana said, hugging me. 

"You're welcome. Get yourself some shirts," I smiled at her as she started walking around the store. Megan came over to me and hugged me since we hadn't really been able to at the restaurant. 

"She looks happy," Meagan commented.

"Well, I told her that Mom and I were going to let her spend money from us since I wanted to get her stuff anyway" I signed, laughing as Ana showed me a Panic! shirt. She put it on her arm and continued shopping. I watched in adoration as she continued to look around. Ana looked so excited. By the end of it, she had 4 t-shirts, a jacket, a new bag, and a couple of other things. We walked out with at least 3 bags each. Ruby led us back to the car to put them in, and then back into Build-A-Bear.  

Ana looked around excitedly. I saw a lighter colored bear on the wall, and she saw a darker one. We excitedly ran over to the recording station and recorded each other saying I love you into little hearts with speakers that we put in our bears. Or, I tried to at least. I got a little bit out. The lady helped us stuff them and helped us "wash" them before we walked over to the clothes. I got a pair of jeans and a t-shirt/jacket for mine and Ana got a Deadpool costume for hers. We brought them to the register and Mom came over and paid for them. 

"What do you want to name yours Ana?" The worker asked, smiling at her. 

"Deadpool!" Ana said, grinning. 

The lady rung her up and gave her the bear in a box. Ana grinned at me and helped me choose my bear's name out (I went with the name Anthea). We soon walked out of the store, smiling wide. Our next stop was a nail salon. We got in there and immediately I could tell the workers knew who we were. Judging by their expressions, though, they didn't like us. I gulped and took a seat between Ana and Mom. 

The worker came over and helped me up, "Come get your colors, sweety. Your girlfriend can come too," She smiled sweetly at us. I smiled at her and walked over to the rack of nail polishes. Ana walked over too and talked to the worker as I looked for two colors. I didn't want much. I had the idea of a kind of French Tip thing, but with black as the base and white at the bottom with my index fingers/big toes to be white background and black tips. I got the colors and signed to Ana what I wanted so she could translate. 

"That's a wonderful idea," The worker said, smiling as she took the polishes. Ana picked hers and walked back to the seats with us. The other women were already getting their fingers done when a lady came over and started talking to both of us. Now that Ana had a worker with her we could get done faster. I tried my best to talk to the lady, but that was kind of hard because she was painting my nails. Ana talked though, and once again I was enraptured by her.

Eventually, the lady beckoned me to the chair for the pedicure. I got settled in and the worker asked if I would like the massage. I nodded, and she slowly turned the speed up until I was comfortable with it. I felt my muscles unwind as the worker (who I finally figured out was named Jennifer) had a one-way conversation with me. I could feel my eyes slowly closing as I sunk further into the seat. It wasn't until I heard my phone vibrating against my leg did I shake out of my sleepiness. I looked around, blushing. No one seemed to be laughing at me. I pulled my phone out, face still flushed, and checked my notifications.

Patrick: I think that when you get home we should talk about the Twitter thing.

Basically, We need to talk.

Me: Sure, what about it?

Patrick: How to deal with it from your perspective. You need to tell the public something before the news makes it sound different than it is.

I gulped. Me: Okay. Should I do it now? 

Patrick: If you have the time, yes.

I closed my messaging app and went onto Twitter, where I saw thousands of people were either posting #rainbowisthenewblack or #adamandevenotanaandeve. I felt heat rush to my cheeks, and I quickly went to make a new post. 

stumpyeve: Guys, I'm not going to say this again. I am as much a human as the people around me. I know a lot of you guys have seen either #rainbowisthenewblack or #adamandevenotanaandeve, and I will only agree with one of them. Yes, the Bible did say Adam and Eve. But I am not that Eve. I am my own Eve. I am the Eve that is deaf and has a girlfriend. I am the Eve that supports the LGBTQ+ community. I will not tolerate the hate I get from this. My relationships are my own business. If you want to interfere with mine, why don't you go get your own?

Attached was a picture of Ana I took of her after she got Deadpool. She was holding the bear close to her chest and had her head resting on top of it. She looked adorable. I also made sure to share the post on all my other social media.

Dad: I'm proud of you kid.

Me: Thanks dad

Dad: Did I just see you called me dad???

Me: (laughing emoji) yes

Dad: You're getting pizza when you get home!

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