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Ana perked up, "What would your dad say?"

I shrugged, motioning Ana to move out of the way so I could talk to him. Patrick turned to me and smiled, "What's up?"

"Would it be okay if I came out to the public?" I was slow, and my hands were shaking. My heart was beating a little fast, per usual, but Patrick nodded. "Thanks!"

I pulled Instagram up on my phone and took a picture of Ana and I, and posted the following caption.

stumpyeve: Hey guys! Eve here with my girlfriend Ana. Yes, I do have a girlfriend. I figured out today that I am bisexual and demisexual, which means I like multiple genders but I can't really want someone sexually until I emotionally bond with them. Ana and I have bonded so much the past couple of days, and when I have my hearing aids in (they died just before we took this pic so I took them out) I listen to her voice and pretty much nothing else. We did meet recently, but I still love her with all my heart. Yes, this is me coming out. I hope you guys don't see me differently. I'm still the Voltron-loving book-worm music-blasting girl, I just have a few things that are different.

I showed it to Ana for approval. She nodded, smiling at me, and I posted it to Instagram and Twitter. I turned my phone off as the food arrived. I smiled at my steak and fries before digging in. I could see Ana laughing at me, biting into her own chicken. I smiled at her cheekily. 


After dinner, Ana, Patrick and I climbed back into the truck so that we could take her home. Ana and I talked, and eventually, she laid her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head and I could feel her smile against my shoulder. I turned to Patrick and grinned. Patrick laughed, pulling into her driveway.

"Thanks for coming-" Patrick said. 

I turned to Ana and hugged her. She smiled, blushing, "Thanks for having me, see you tomorrow babe." To my surprise, she kissed my cheek before getting out. Patrick stayed parked until she got inside. I brushed my hand across my cheek, eyes wide and heart thumping. Seriously, it needed to calm down before I had a heart attack. 

I looked to Patrick, sliding over as he pulled out of the driveway, "She was nice. I approve of her!" 

I laughed, "Oh, thanks." I pulled out my phone, grinning until I saw the notifications on my post. 

BleakBuggyHippo: She's a faggot and she's deaf? Wow, so much for good leadership...

        BeeboIsLife: Excuse you, but she is a wonderful person! (This one made me smile)

PhoenixPo: She looks ugly

McSalt: Damn, she's just looking for attention isn't she?

mauricethepiece: Jesus christ, fix your fucking face

nellycox05: you suck and ur gay and ur not funny and ur gay

         foreignwarren: her being gay was the point. Are you trying to insult her? you're not really                succeeding too well there. 

Of course, there were nice comments too. But the mean ones out ruled the nice ones 5 to 1. I turned my phone off and Patrick looked at me weirdly.

"What's wrong honey?" He pulled into our driveway and parked the truck. He didn't get out though.

I turned my phone back on and gave it to him, letting him read it for himself. His eyes began to look fiery. It scared me a little, Patrick never got angry. He shoved the phone in my hands and got onto his phone and started typing. His fingers moved fast, and I could see his hands shaking. I gulped, unsure of what to do. 

"I'm gonna go inside, I need to plug my hearing aids in," I signed, getting out of the car. He mumbled something, but I didn't pay attention as I ran into the house. I got inside and saw Elisa coming out of Declan's room, most likely putting him to bed. She saw the tears in my eyes and followed me to my room. I plugged my hearing aids in with shakey hands and collapsed in bed, sobbing.

I felt a tap on my thigh and looked to see Elisa sitting next to me on the bed, "What's wrong honey?" I showed her the comments, then wrote what Patrick was doing. She nodded and held her arms out. I took the hug, sobbing into her shoulder.


patrickstump- Guys, I'm not going to say this again. Do not bring hate into my family. Yes, my daughter is a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Yes, my daughter is deaf. That doesn't make her any less human. If you have a problem with her, feel free to come to me. I may be nice most of the time, but if you mess with my family I will not be nice.


petewentz- If you have a problem with my niece, kindly fuck off. We don't take hate here. #rainbowisthenewblack


brendonurie- Don't hate on my friends or family. Eve is as much a human as the rest of us. #rainbowisthenewblack #loveislove


crankthatfrank- don't be that person who hates on people for being themselves. I'm proud of you Eve! Congrats on your girlfriend! #rainbowisthenewblack


The next day #rainbowisthenewblack was the number one hashtag. There were hundreds of articles of me coming out, the hate and the retaliation around the internet. I scrolled through my phone, seeing that all the hate comments on my posts had been deleted. Elisa had helped me with that.

Ana also texted me as soon as I woke up: You okay babe?

Me: I am now. What about you?

Ana: Well, I haven't seen the posts since we're not following each other on anything

I sent her my username when I saw the door hanger I set up wiggle. I knocked on the bedpost twice, letting whoever know it was okay to come in. Elisa walked in, looking excited. 

"Are you ready for girls' day?"

Can You Hear Me? ~ Adopted by Fall Out Boy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now