I've Got All This Ringing in My Ears and (N)one on My Fingers

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The next morning I awoke to my beautiful girlfriend peeking her head into my room.

"Morning babe," Ana said, coming in. I didn't feel at all uncomfortable with her being in here while I was in PJs, she had spent the night before after all, although I was worried about her reaction to the bandaids. Ana crawled in bed next to me and I wrapped my arms around her waist. 

I had figured out that the outside of my ear was just fine, just covered in some third-degree burns which would heal in a matter of months. The inside was what had been bleeding so much. I had a couple of scars from shrapnel, but that was okay, it made me look cool.

Ana wrapped one arm under my neck and the other began going through my hair. My eyes slowly shut and I soon found myself going back to sleep, with the beat of Ana's heart leading the way.

That was ruined, though, when Pete ran into the room banging two pots together. Ana, being the only one to actually hear anything, jumped out of the bed. I didn't hear anything, but I could feel her jump beside me. I bolted up, ready to fight whoever was in the room, only to see Pete laughing his ass off on the floor. I slowly got up out of bed, with a scowl on my face. I walked slowly over to Pete, and as soon as he saw my scowl he stopped laughing, eyes wide. I reached his side and stood there for a second before gently kicking his side and grinning. He burst out laughing again and Ana came up behind me.

"You have to get dressed babe," She pointed out. I nodded, pushing the two out of my room so I could. I took a deep breath and searched through my closet for something cute to wear. I ended up settling on a pair of leggings and a sweater because I'm so original (that was sarcasm in case you couldn't tell).

I strutted out of my room grinning. Ana, I swear to God, gasped when she saw me.

"Holy shit I have the most beautiful girlfriend..." No one took notice of what she said but me, which means she must have mumbled it. I blushed, walking over and kissing her cheek before sitting on her lap. The adults were back on the couch again, children (and teenagers) were on the floor. 

There was another pile of gifts under the tree. I was sure I wasn't going to get anything from Mom and Dad today, as I had gotten stuff yesterday. The piles were sorted out by person though, which made me a little more happy as Ana and I were passed our piles.

"Just dig in guys!" Someone shouted. I carefully tore into my first gift, a book from Pete and Megan. It was a stack of CDs, at least one from my favorite bands (and some I didn't recognize). From Joe and Marie, I got a Fall Out Boy beanie and a Fall Out Boy jacket. Andy's gift was what surprised me the most.

Incased in a file folder was a letter. I read through it silently, nearly screaming when I got to the end.

"Congratulations, Mr. Hurley. Your adoption of Renay Brown has been approved. She shall move in with you on January 3, 2018."

Ana took the paper from my hand and read through it. "Oh my gosh, congrats Andy!" Ana passed the paper to Dad and snaked her arms around my waist. I looked at Andy and saw he was blushing.

"They go by Sam, and they're gender fluid. We've met a couple of times already, and I have their room set up," Andy explained. His hands were wiping constantly on his pants. He was nervous as hell. Dad and the rest of the band were all cheering. 

"Could Ana and I help them get used to things here?" I asked.

Andy nodded, "I was hoping you two could be friends with them, and I was also hoping you could come with me tomorrow to meet them?"

I nodded, "Yeah! I'd love to meet them!" Ana agreed with me, and everyone laughed. 

Finally, after another 3 more gifts from some of my other "family", I got to Ana's gift. It was a cute little box, and it had the same wrapping paper as Mom and Dad's yesterday. I opened it carefully, and inside I saw a beautiful ring. It had both a red and a blue jewel, with a heart-shaped diamond in the middle. My mouth dropped open and I turned to Ana.

"Those are our birthstones, garnet for you and sapphire for me." Ana leaned up and kissed me softly, taking the ring and sliding it on my finger, "It's a promise ring."

"Thank you," I was near tears as I hugged Ana, grinning.

"You're welcome," Ana smiled at me, looking towards my parents. I looked over and saw Mom in tears and Dad holding a camera. I grinned and playfully flicked them off as Ana kissed me again. I saw a flash from under my eyelids as we kissed. After I was sure Dad finished taking pictures I pulled away and finally noticed Ana's eyes. 

I had never seen anything more beautiful. They were brown, with little flecks of green scattered in them. They looked almost like shining dirt, the way they sparkled. I found myself blushing as I slowly came back to reality to the chorus of Joe, Pete, Declan, Bronx, and Saint all screaming "Ewwww!"

"You know that you two look at your wives like that," Andy pointed out, glaring playfully.

"Yes ma'am," Pete and Joe both said. Everyone laughed as Pete kissed Megan playfully.

Best. Christmas. Ever.


So, that's the end of the book. I tried to keep it as sweet as possible, so I could build up for the next book.

That's right, ya girl Eve is getting a sequel! It will be out soon! In the meantime, read the sequel for She's With Me, "Haven't You Heard?"! It will be published starting next week!

After May, I will begin a new schedule. I'm not telling you guys what it is yet, but be ready for it!

Thank you guys so much for reading. Until next week!

Can You Hear Me? ~ Adopted by Fall Out Boy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now