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After breakfast we went to the mall. Patrick had a concert tonight that we were all going to, and I had a doctor's appointment after lunch. I was just excited to get my stuff and put it in my room.

Patrick looked at me as we were going inside, "You do not have a limit of spending. Get whatever you want." My eyes widened and I hugged him, frantically signing thank you. He laughed, talking with me as we walked further into the mall. "Do you want me to announce you tonight at the concert? I was going to put you in the front row, maybe I can pull you on stage?

I nodded, "That would be nice."

Patrick smiled, "That's what we'll do then. Do you want to come with me to sound check?"

We began to walk into a Sears, Elisa leading us to the bedding stuff, "Sure, but I would like to line up with everyone else."

"We'll make sure you're the first one in then," Patrick smiled at me and looked at the different bedding sets. 

I saw a really pretty yellow blanket that I could fold up on the end of my bed already. I didn't mind the all white color they put in there, I just wanted some accents. Maybe yellow and gray, since those are my favorite colors. I picked up a copy of the blanket and some matching throw pillows, turning to Patrick, "I like the white that you guys put in, I just wanna add some yellow and gray accents." He nodded and I picked up some gray throw pillows. I read somewhere that the more pillows you have on your bed, the more depressed you are. I won't be too depressed if they're all in my favorite color though (hopefully). 

We kept walking around and I noticed a body form, for sewing, that was in the same shade of gray as the pillows. I gasped, and Elisa saw what I was looking at.

"You like sewing?" Elsa asked.

"I love sewing. I made my own stuff sometimes, like this shirt, out of stuff I got from the thrift store we went to," I twirled around, showing off the blouse. The rest of my family clapped, and despite showing myself off, I blushed. We continued shopping, eventually ending up at Hot Topic. Fran and I used to go into these all the time, it was our thing. I looked at Patrick, grinning before I sped in. In the front, they had all kinds of merchandise, but the back area had clothing. Rows and rows of clothing. I ended up buying over 100 items. The cashier's face when I brought it up was a look of sheer terror. I apologized profusely, but the cashier said they wouldn't mind if they could get a picture with Patrick. He, of course, obliged, and we went on our merry way back to the car to drop everything off.

"Do you want to try some boba tea?" Patrick asked as we passed the stand. I shrugged and nodded, allowing Patrick to order for all of us. He allowed Declan to carry the four drinks, and the older 3 people had their hands full with 20 bags (the Hot Topic stuff condensed really well) and a small child. We had Declan walk us to the car, mostly so we could keep an eye on him. We eventually reached the car and started to put the bags in.

"They aren't going to all fit!" Patrick cried out, laughing. I blushed, shrugging and taking all the smaller bags. I went up to where I would be sitting with my brothers and started to strategically place them on the floor. Elisa and Patrick walked to the other side of the car and watched me put them in. I had one bag left over, which I just crawled in with and held on my lap.

"Go Eve!" Elisa said, high-fiving me. I laughed, high-fiving Declan and a sleepy Antero. I took the teas from Declan, giving him his own, and passed Patrick and Elisa theirs. I took a sip of mine, which tasted like watermelon. I felt something else, and realized it was the boba ball (after a little bit of panic). Patrick watched me carefully as I bit into it, my eyes widening at the juice exploding out. He held a thumbs up and a furrowed eyebrow. I gave him a thumbs up, and he instantly relaxed. 

We got home and I helped unload all the bags, giving Declan a tiny one to hold. Luckily, it was a one story house, so I didn't have to worry too much about stairs. I walked with everyone to my room, and set all the stuff down. Patrick dug in a bag and pulled out a T-Mobile bag. My eyes widened. "A phone?" I grinned as Patrick nodded. Elisa took Declan and Antero out of the room, probably to make lunch.

"I'm gonna help you set it up. You have until around 3, then we have to go to your doctor's appointment and straight to the venue," Patrick signed. He sat down with me at the end of my bed. Patrick kept his word and at noon he left, giving me three hours to unpack. I pulled stuff out of bags quickly, moving with the speed of Quicksilver. I didn't even have music to motivate me. Around 2 I finished up and walked into the kitchen, rubbing my eyes.

Elisa gave me a knowing smile and slid me a sandwich. "It's a ham sandwich, you can add anything else you want." She pointed to the counter, where a bunch of condiments and types of sides sat. I put some celery and ranch on the plate and grabbed a bag of chips. I sat at the table and she sat next to me.

"Do you want to do a girl's day tomorrow? I was thinking we could go with Meagan, Joe's wife and daughter Marie and Ruby, and Brendon's wife Sarah. Sound good?" Elisa looked hesitant, but I nodded. She grinned at me, beginning to plan out our adventure tomorrow.

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