Favorite Record

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I woke up the next morning to silence, but with Declan on my bed with me. I nearly jumped three feet in the air. He giggled and tugged on my hands, pulling me out of bed and into the kitchen, where Elisa and Patrick were making breakfast for all of us. 

"Morning sunshine," Patrick signed, setting a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me. I thanked him and dug in.

"We're going to figure school out for you!" Elisa said, sitting across from me.

"Well, I'm still technically enrolled in virtual school, and I feel like it's got more advantages than public school. For one, I don't have to worry as much about communicating by talking, plus with online school, I can learn more topics," I signed before digging in and looking at Elisa as she replied.

"That is true," She said, shrugging. 

"Plus I can stay home with Declan and Antero and watch them while you and Patrick are out," I offered.

"This is also true," Patrick said. "I don't see why not."

"It's settled then," Elisa smiled, finishing up her pancakes. I smiled, digging into mine. Declan and Antero were talking/babbling to each other. They didn't each much. I was a little worried, but not life-or-death situation worried.

"Do you want to go to the studio with me today?" Patrick looked to me.

I nodded, it seemed really cool for him to be a musician. Maybe I could help in writing a song!

"Get your stuff, we'll be out all day. Don't forget your hearing aids,"Patrick reminded me before I set off for my room. I grabbed one of the book bags I bought from Hot Topic and threw in a bunch of things like notebooks and books. I also gently placed the laptop Patrick got me while we were at the mall in, along with the chargers for it, my phone and my hearing aids. I got dressed in a pair of ripped jean shorts, a black top and just wrapped a flannel around the waist. I saw it online and thought it would be cute.  I ran out to where Patrick was waiting with the keys. He kissed Elisa goodbye, and we left.

"So, what are you going to want to do for lunch today?" Patrick asked me this before we even left the driveway.

"It's 7 in the morning, why are you talking about lunch?" I asked, laughing a little. 

Patrick blushed, "I was just trying to give you some time to think. Maybe look around for a few restaurants near us?" 

I nodded, looking on my phone. I saw that there was a Chick-Fil-A by us as we pulled into the studio. I showed Patrick as he was parking the car.

"Ah, yes. Chicken," He said, hopping out of the car. We laughed, walking inside. I tucked my phone in my pocket as we approached the front desk.

"Morning Mr. Stump, who is this?" I heard the secretary ask. I immediately blushed a deep shade of red.

"This is my daughter, Eve. Eve, this is the secretary Lois Paige. Do we have anything today?" Patrick asked, leaning against the desk.

"Just working on the new album. Do you have a name for it yet?" Lois asked, typing on her computer. She was a little older, so I doubted she would be one of those cliched secretaries who try to get into people's pants. Besides that, she had a lovely wedding ring on.

"Still working on it. I'll see you later Lois," Patrick took my hand and pulled me away. We walked down the hallway that was full of posters from DCD2's artists. "We like to work here because it's closer to us," Patrick explained, "Plus Pete owns the place so we can come in whenever we like, and technically he signed the band on as well, so it's like a double positive," I looked at the poster from Panic! at the Disco and sighed contently, silently wishing I could meet them one day. It was from their Pretty. Odd. album, but I knew the band has since broken up into a smaller band. 

"C'mon Eve," Patrick pulled me into a room that looked a lot like a recording studio. Pete sat in one of the chairs at the sound board. He smiled tiredly at me, and passed us coffee's. I took mine gratefully, and sat in one of the extra chairs. Pete and Patrick began talking as Joe and Andy walked in.

"Hey Eve!" Andy said, sitting on a chair next to me. I waved, looking down to my phone. The four of them began talking to each other about the album.

"What are we going to name it?" Patrick asked, tapping a pencil on his chin. 

I picked my head up, wheeling my chair so that I was next to him, "What are the songs about?"

"Well, a couple of the songs are about obsessive love," Patrick answered, looking down at the paper. I saw Eros, Speak of the God, Chaos Theory and Parliament of Fools, all of which were crossed out. He continued on with song meanings, but I disregarded them as I thought.

"What about MANIA? It's a type of obsessive love and doesn't just apply to love, it could apply to just being a little crazy," I signed, a little worried he wouldn't like it.

"MANIA? That's.. actually a really good idea," Patrick said, explaining what I said to the guys. They all nodded in agreement, and I smiled.

"Is MANIA the title?" Patrick asked, looking around the group. Everyone nodded, "Pete, why don't you ask our manager?" Patrick smirked.

Pete turned his chair one way, speaking normally, "Excuse me, Mr. Wentz, would MANIA be an okay title for our album?"

He turned the chair the other way, lowering his voice, "Well, Mr. Wentz, I don't see why not!"

He faced the chair back to us, at this point we were laughing our butts off, "He said yes guys!"

I was laughing so hard I nearly fell off my chair. I held my stomach as Joe jokingly fell off his chair laughing. It took us a good 10 minutes to stop laughing.

"That was good Pete," I signed, grinning. Patrick translated for him.

Pete stood, taking a bow, "Why, thank you, I'll be here all week."

Can You Hear Me? ~ Adopted by Fall Out Boy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now