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Another hour later, Patrick led me to the car. He had my files from the orphanage in hand, and I had some stuff to do before the concert (which was mostly just my phone, headphones and charger).

Patrick tapped my hand, "Just so you know, those headphones go up to 115 decibels, so you can listen to music. And they're soundproof, so we won't hear it."

My eyes widened and I sat straighter in my seat, "Thank you!

Patrick laughed, "You're welcome."

We pulled up to the doctor's office and we both stepped out. I took a deep breath and followed Patrick in. "This is the doctor I go to. I would trust her with anything health-related," Patrick told me. I nodded, and as soon as we walked in a doctor perked her head up from the secretary's chair.

"Hey Patrick, this must be Eve. I'm Doctor Vega. Come on back," She led us to the first examination room and helped me sit down.

"Thank you for seeing her," Patrick said, sitting down on one of the extra chairs. 

Doctor Vega nodded, "Anything for my favorite patient. Is this just-" she turned away "-up or is there something else?" She came and started doing the basic stuff.

"She has some significant hearing loss, I was wondering if it was possible for her to get hearing aids. I have her files here from the orphanage," Patrick handed Dr. Vega my files. She looked through them and nodded. 

"So, she is eligible for a hearing aid. I'll get her fitted for one before you guys leave, but I need to finish checking for other stuff, you know?" She smiled at me and I nodded. She looked back over the file. "Wait! You can't hear me at all?" Dr. Vega asked, looking at me with wide eyes. I shook my head. "Whoa, that's so cool..." She continued to read as I blushed. Patrick laughed. 

"Alright, there isn't anything else here, so lemme just get the standard set and we can get your hearing aids ordered," She smiled and left. I looked at Patrick to see him on his phone. I swung my legs back and forth, looking at my lap.

I didn't even realize that Dr. Vega was back until I saw her feet standing next to me. I looked up at her, blushing. She laughed, holding the hearing aid up to my ear. I sat still as she put it on my ear. I felt it wrap around my ear and the headphone piece slide in. Dr. Vega came into my line of vision and gave me a thumbs up. I considered the fit, and once I decided I liked it I gave her a thumbs up. She smiled and took it off. 

"So, the fit should work for both ears. Luckily for you guys, these are working, they just need to have the batteries replaced. They do recharge, they should take about 6 hours since it's their first time being charged. We had someone else need these, but they called in yesterday and told me they don't need them anymore," She gave me the aids and showed me how to put them in, and then gave me the charger. "So, after the concert tonight, she can replace the batteries and can use them. I hope you have fun tonight guys!" She walked us out, and I waved to her. 

"Are you excited to hear again?" Patrick asked.

I thought it over. To be honest, I would probably only use them on special occasions. I didn't really mind not hearing, but I did want to listen to music. I shrugged. "I might just use them for special occasions like movies- wait I can watch movies without subtitles!" Patrick laughed and I did a little happy dance, getting into the car. Patrick got in and drove to a McDonald's, and let me get what I wanted. So, basically, 20 chicken nuggets and 2 orders of fries.

"Are you going to be able to eat all of that?" He asked. 

I nodded, "I am really hungry. Plus, I have had these once before, and I really, really, liked them." He nodded. Before we got to the venue I had already eaten 10 of the chicken nuggets, choosing to save the fries for last. I grabbed my bags and followed Patrick inside.

He led me down who knows how many hallways before we reached a door that said "Fall Out Boy Dressing Room". I followed Patrick again. Once inside I could see 3 other men, one of which I recognized to be Pete. I waved and sat on the couch, continuing to eat my food.

"That is a lot of food," Joe said, smiling, "I like her already,"

"Thanks. I previously had 60 nuggets but I ate most of them on the way here," I smiled, continuing to eat. Everyone laughed. 

Patrick knelt in front of me, "We're gonna do the soundcheck. After, you'll be seated in the front row. During Immortals, come to the side stage. One of the security guards will wait for you there, okay?" I nodded. He smiled and left with the rest of the guys. I continued to play on my phone, making sure to plug my hearing aids in before completely tuning out. I connected the headphones, put them over my ears, turned the volume all the way up, and blasted Skillet. 

"Let's get the story straight
You were a poison
You flooded through my veins
You left me broken"

It's Not Me, It's You. Nah.

"Things are changing
It seems strange and
I need to figure this out"

Say Goodbye. Sad song! No!

"I've been down in the dirt, lost for so long
And pushed around, beaten down
Got nothing left to lose, all hope is gone
Got buried deep underground"

Out of Hell, yes! I started dancing in my seat, closing my eyes and letting the music wash over me. It felt nice to hear things every once in a while. I wasn't isolated, per se, but I certainly felt isolated thanks to society. Every once in a while, I isolated myself, in order to fit into society. Ironic, wasn't it. 

I continued to listen to Skillet. Around 5, the band came in and ushered me out. Patrick led me to the front of the line and left me there with a kiss on my forehead. I nodded to him as he checked to make sure I would be okay. He left, and slowly people started trickling in. 

Can You Hear Me? ~ Adopted by Fall Out Boy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now