What's This?

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I ended up waking up later that night, around 5 PM. Mom was at the end of my bed, checking on my remaining hearing aid. When she saw me stir she smiled at me, passing me the new hearing aid. This one was blue instead of the tan one Doctor Vega had gotten me. Mom gently helped me put it in, smiling at me. She then adjusted my bandages as she began to speak.

"I was about to wake you up, we're about to have dinner, then open gifts and watch a movie. After everyone leaves you need to take some meds to help with your ear. Does that sound good?" Mom helped me get out of bed, holding my hand as we walked to the dining room.

I nodded as we were walking in. Everyone was in the living room at the moment, except for Dad, who was at the stove. When he saw me he dropped the spatula and hugged me.

"God, I'm so sorry honey," Dad mumbled, his voice cracking. I could feel his shoulders start to shake as I wrapped my arms around him.

"It's okay Dad. You didn't do this." I was firm, I didn't want him thinking it was his fault my hearing aids were sabotaged.

He nodded, and Mom resumed whatever he was making. Dad led me to the dining room table and sat me down next to his seat. Dad's hands were in front of him, wringing. Did he look... nervous?

"So, I told Ana what happened, she'll be coming over tomorrow after everyone leaves. I told the band and the family. Let's just say your Grandpa and Grandma on that side are never coming over again," Dad said, looking at me with darting eyes.

I nodded, "I figured it was them. What do they have against me though?"

Dad sighed, "They tried adopting a kid when I was younger, just before the divorce. They didn't get to."

"So they're jealous? Seems rude to be mean to me though," I signed, hesitating when I heard Declan's shouts for joy as he saw me.

"They were trying to get at me," Dad said, catching Declan before he could bounce into me, "What did we tell you to do Declan?"

"Be gentle," Declan said, looking at Dad and folding his hands in front of him. He looked up at Dad, waiting to be approved. His lips formed a little pout and his head tilted down. Dad nodded to Declan, and he slowly walked over to me. I pulled him into my lap and let him hug me. Declan pulled away after a second and took notice of my new hearing aid. His eyes lit up and he gasped, leaning forward again to look closely at it.

"Declan," Dad warned.

"I'm not touching it though!" Declan shouted indignantly, "Eve your hearing aid is very pretty. Make all the people go WOOO!" He threw his hands in the air and we all laughed. Declan hugged me once more before getting down and running back out into the living room.

"What happened with my ear though?" I asked.

"DINNER!" Mom called, bringing what I now realized was a turkey to the table. The family all rushed in and in seconds I had completely forgotten about my ear.

Dinner was amazing. We had a Christmas Turkey, a few pies, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, and other various things that applied to different diets people in the family had. I was absolutely stuffed by the time everyone moved to the living room for gifts. Admittedly, it hurt to eat. A lot. But I tried my best, with some encouraging looks from everyone at the table. It was a bit embarrassing, but I ate a ton. I was stunned by the pile that was in the living room. It was about 3 and a half feet tall and 5 feet wide. Various wrapping paper covered the gifts, and the adults situated themselves on couches as children sat on the ground.

"Eve, honey, would you mind passing out gifts, please? I know you like sorting," Dad asked, sitting next to Mom. I nodded, kneeling in front of the pile and passing gifts out. Once everyone got a gift I pulled one out for myself. They all had matching wrappers, angels and crosses.

"Those gifts are all from Grandpa and Grandma, good choice on getting them out of the way Eve," Uncle Kevin said, laughing. All the adults laughed and I smiled. The kids started cheering as they saw what Grandpa and Grandma got them. I slowly opened the wrapping paper, thinking of the worst. I thought that they had sabotaged my hearing aid, after all.

What I saw was completely different. Inside was a book, called The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. There was a sticky note on top too.


This is a book about a girl in Nazi Germany who had to be sent away to be fostered by other people. We hope you like it.

-Grandpa David and Grandma Lily

I gulped, flipping through the book for a second. Nothing seemed wrong with it, other than the fact that there were some curse words in it. I passed the book to Dad so that he could start a pile of gifts I got so I could keep passing gifts out without worrying about tripping.

The next set of wrapping was flowers of all kinds. The boys made disgusted faces when they got their gifts, but Aunt Megan raised her hand to show they were from her. The kids cheered again, and I opened mine quickly. I got a bunch of drawing things from Aunt Megan. Sewing supplies! I thanked my aunt and passed the stuff to Dad, noticing the note that said "I.O.U a JoAnn's trip".

The following set was Star Wars. Uncle Kevin grinned proudly as I passed the gifts. My gift from him was Marvel stuff. Movies, clothes, merch. I only noticed a couple of pieces of paper sticking out of the Deadpool DVD just before I passed it to Dad. I pulled them out and gasped, two tickets to see Deadpool 2 in the theater. I grinned and thanked Uncle Kevin a bunch as I passed Dad the stuff.

The second to last set was from Nana and Pap. I got a bunch of posters from them. I think Dad told them my favorite movies, TV shows, and bands. I thanked them as I passed gifts from Mom and Dad around.

Their wrapping paper was red and green dots scattered around. Cute and simple. I made sure to carefully pull the wrapping off so I could maybe use it again later. I saw a shiny wrapping on the box, then saw what was on it. A laptop! And a sticky note as well.

Eve, we also got you a keyboard in order to play piano whenever you want. The headphones we got you should work with it.

I looked at Mom and Dad excitedly.

"Do you like it, honey?" Mom asked, smiling at me like it was her first child's Christmas.

I nodded, struggling a little bit as I prepared to speak, "Thank you."

Dad's eyes widened and he grinned at me, getting up from his spot next to Mom to come to hug me. "I love you, Eve."

"I love you too, Dad."

Can You Hear Me? ~ Adopted by Fall Out Boy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now