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There is a website below that I mention where you can learn ASL in 8 days if you wanted. It does cost some money (I got it on Groupon) but you can message me/comment if you want the website link

We arrived at the restaurant and I immediately felt under dressed. I was just in sweatpants for crying out loud! Pete noticed my discomfort as we were waiting to be seated and nudged me, "I've felt substantially less anxiety since committing to wearing sweatpants everywhere I go," I looked down to see that he was, in fact, wearing sweatpants. "I might tweet that," He mused. I noticed a familiar woman walk in and searched around for a second before spotting us and walking over. Pete grinned and kissed her, making Bronx and Saint wrinkle their faces. I chuckled softly. 

"You must be Eve," Meagan said, hugging me. "It's nice to meet you."

You too, I wrote on my phone. 

A waitress called us to our booth, and I took a seat across from Patrick. Bronx was next to me, and Pete next to him. Next to Pete was Meagan, then Saint. Antero was next to him, Elisa next to him, and Patrick next to her. Declan was at the end of the table, between Patrick and I.

"Just point at what you want Eve, I'll tell the waitress for you," Patrick said, smiling. I nodded, searching the menu. I decided on what I wanted while Patrick was helping Declan decide. Declan pointed to chicken nuggets and fries. 

I noticed that he was refusing to talk. I tilted my head at him. Declan noticed and smiled, talking for a split second, "I wanna be like you!" He shut his mouth again and I blushed. The rest of the adults laughed quietly as Patrick explained my situation to the boy. "I know! I want her to know she isn't alone!" He explained. My eyes widened, and my heart swelled. Patrick looked uncertainly at me, but seeing my happy expression he sighed, I'm assuming in relief. 

The waitress came back and I pointed what I wanted to Patrick. Declan did the same and we smiled at each other. After a long, complicated list of food (mostly from Pete) the waitress went to put our order in.

"How long does it take to learn ASL?" Patrick asked.

I found a course that only has 8 modules, so if you did those one day at a time then just over a week. I typed on my phone. He nodded.

"Was that the website that Mr. Van recommended?" Patrick asked, coloring with Declan on his menu.

I nodded, watching quietly. Declan handed me a crayon and I started to play tic-tac-toe with him. 


Soon, we were home. Declan took the job of leading me to my room, while Patrick and I followed behind with my luggage. He smiled at me, opening my door, "Ta-da!" 

My jaw dropped as I looked around. It was a big room, bigger than the one I had at the orphanage. There was a bed in one corner, with a desk on one wall and a dresser and two doors on the other wall. I assumed that one led to a closet and the other led to a bathroom. The fourth wall had a bookshelf (that was empty save a couple books) and a bean bag, but other than that it was empty. Patrick caught my attention, "The rest of that wall is for you to put stuff you like to do, like maybe a keyboard if you like that." He smiled at me and I signed thank you to him. He nodded and hugged me, "You can unpack if you want, just don't stay up too late." He pointed to the alarm clock, which read 10:53. I nodded and Patrick took Declan to put him in bed. 

I began to unpack, slowly filling the room with my stuff. By midnight, the room looked like I had been living there for years. I crawled into bed, under the plain white blanket, and fell asleep.

The next morning I awoke to the smell of bacon. I shot up, my mouth watering, and hopped out of bed. I slowly made my way downstairs, coming into the kitchen to see Elisa cooking with a shield in front of her. I laughed quietly, and she turned to look at me.

"Morning honey, I'm making breakfast for everyone. Patrick is probably going to wake up later, he was up until about 3 doing something," Elisa greeted. My mouth dropped as I sat at the island. 

Do you know what he was doing? I typed.

"No clue," Elisa said after looking. I nodded as Declan and Antero walked in, hand in hand. I smiled at them as Elisa picked Antero up and put him in his high chair. He waved to me and I waved back.

Declan noticed me and started to bounce, "Hi Eve!"

I waved, unsure if he was able to read anything I could write on my phone yet.

"Can you teach me some words?" Declan asked, eating some bacon from the plate in front of him.

"In ASL?" Elisa asked, sitting down next to Antero. 

Declan nodded and I shrugged, nodding along. He cheered, pumping his fists in the air. I laughed, eating the food on my plate quickly. 

"Is this please?" Declan asked, rubbing his palm on his chest in a circle. I nodded, and cheered. "What's the sign for cookie?" I showed him how to do it, and he copied me with some difficulty. We continued like that for at least an hour, moving out into the living room eventually so I could keep an eye on Antero while he watched Mickey Mouse. 

It was around 9 when Patrick stumbled out. He saw me and grinned, "Good morning Eve!" His signing was a little slow.

"Morning, Patrick." I grinned, and he smiled at me once more before going into the kitchen.

"What did you sign?" Declan asked, bouncing on the couch.

Patrick popped in and explained it to him before going into the dining room. I smiled in his general direction, still not believing that he had taken that entire course in one sitting.

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