Honorable Mention

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Once I was seated, a girl and a guy say on either side of me. I was a little worried until they saw the merch I was wearing. 

"Whoa! I love your shirt!" The girl said. 

I blushed, on habit signing thank you. 

"Oh! Are you deaf?" She switched to signing instantly.

I was surprised, but shook my head, "No, hard of hearing. I can hear loud noises, but not people yelling or talking." I shrugged as she nodded. 

"My name is Ana, and this is my friend Mark. I personally took 3 years of ASL through my high school, but Mark currently does not know any. We're both Seniors," Ana introduced.

"My name is Eve. I took ASL online because of reasons I would rather not admit, but I am a Senior as well. Do you want me to switch with you or Mark?" I pointed, trying to make sure that I didn't get in their way. 

"You don't have to," Ana answered. 

"I don't want to get in the way," I signed, "I promise I'll be fine, although I do have to go during part of the show. Health issues, you know? " Ana nodded, switching with me. Now, she was closer to where Patrick would be. "Can I have your number? I would like to talk more after this," I was hesitant.

"Of course!" Ana said. She signed her phone number to me and smiled. I took the time to look at her. She had long, blonde hair, which contrasted my short brown hair. I had no idea what her eye color was, but mine was hazel. She had flawless skin, mine looked more mangled with scars. She was perfectly skinny, according to my last doctor I was somehow a little overweight. The lights began to dim and she did a little happy dance. I blushed, watching the screens. 

Patrick walked on stage and there was some squealing. He didn't have a mic. He had a spotlight. Words flashed on the screen, and to my amazement, he started to actually sign.

"You may be wondering why I am not talking right now. My voice is not gone. Tonight is special. Yesterday, I adopted a daughter. She is hard of hearing," Ana looked at me and I held my finger to my mouth. Her eyes widened as she looked back to Patrick, "But I am waiting until I formally introduce her to you guys in order to talk. Pete, Joe, and Andy will be following in my example. We will be talking like this until she can come on stage. But we will sing when the time calls. Thank you," Patrick disappeared for another second. 

Suddenly, the intro for Sugar, We're Goin Down started. My eyes widened as I watched Andy and Pete run on, followed by Joe and Patrick. I grinned, watching everyone dance around. I could hear the screams of everyone!

Why did they sound so scared?

I looked at Ana, "Why are they screaming?"

"They aren't screaming in fear! It's excitement! Don't worry about it," I nodded and continued to watch Patrick. 


Finally, they started playing Immortals. Once the interpreter warned me, I tapped Ana's shoulder, and she quickly let me slide by. I thanked her and quickly went to the side of the stage. I realized suddenly that I had forgotten my bag! I reached the security guard and pulled my phone out.

I forgot my bag at the seats, can you meet me after? I'll give you a location to meet up at.

Ana: Of course! I'll see you then?

Yeah, thanks. I attached a smiling emoji and tucked my phone in my pocket.

The security guard guided me to the stairs, allowing me to walk up them and hide behind the curtain as they wrapped up the song. 

The words appeared on screen again, but this time Patrick didn't get a spotlight. 

"Now, since you guys have been waiting so patiently, I'm going to bring my daughter out. She will introduce herself to you guys," He bowed slightly and walked towards me. I could see everyone clapping as he came up to me. Patrick took my hand and led me on stage. I could almost hear everyone. The ASL interpreter came and stood next to me. I grinned and waved. 

"Eve, Maria here is ready to translate. Go ahead," Patrick signed to just me.

I began to sign, and Maria immediately began interpreting, "Hi guys, my name is Eve. I am 17 years old, and I turn 18 at Midnight on New Year's Day. I was in the orphanage for my whole life because my parents did not want to deal with a child that would not be able to hear them," I could see the words flash onto the screen as I spoke. "I love listening to music, believe it or not, I just have to turn it up all the way," I could see the crowd laugh. "I know I will enjoy living with Patrick, Elisa, and the Fall Out Gang. Thank you for being so accepting," I went to step off stage, but Patrick held onto my hand, keeping me there. 

"And now, I'm going to say something for Eve," Patrick turned around so his back was to the audience. He took my hands and stood the microphone between us. I took a shuddering breath as he smiled. "Eve,"

He had gotten one word out and I was instantly enraptured. His voice was soft and definitely didn't sound like his singing voice. He laughed, seeing my reaction.

"Eve, I promise, as your new father, that I will take care of you like you were my own because now you are. I promise to care for you and to help you whenever you need it, or whenever you don't think you need it. I can be your shoulder to cry on, your confidant, and your movie buddy. I promise to protect you, and to love on you, and jeez I am rambling," We laughed, and I wiped tears from my eyes. He smiled at me, wiping a couple more, "I will love you like my own Eve. Thank you for accepting me to be your dad."

I moved to the side and hugged him, crying in front of thousands of people. I wasn't scared though. I was crying tears of joy.

I couldn't stop signing thank you. "Eve, why don't you tell them what your doctor manages to find for you today?"

I smiled, slowly bringing my finger up to my ear, "Hearing aids!"

The crowd cheered, and I hugged dad one last time before following his direction off stage. He kissed my forehead and sent me off. Patrick leaned into my ear, "I love you, Eve," I nodded and walked off. The same security guard walked me back to the room and the first thing I checked was how charged my hearing aids were, which was fully charged.

Can You Hear Me? ~ Adopted by Fall Out Boy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now