The Pranked become the Prankers / Fred Weasley

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You were Fred Weasley's girlfriend and you both loved each other very much

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You were Fred Weasley's girlfriend and you both loved each other very much. But he does tend to prank you a lot. Lately your tired of it, so you decided to get him back.

You got your best friend Hermione to help you come up with a plan. Now instead of a funny prank we're gonna make Fred regret his pranks on us.

Ron, Hermione, Angelina, Katie, Harry, Alicia, Seamus, Ginny, Dean, and Oliver were in on it.

"Thank you all for agreeing to help." I smiled at them.

"Well we all want payback." Ron reply's as everyone nodded in unison.

"So what's the plan." Ginny asked after a moment of silence.

"Well, I'm not sure exactly Hermione said she has a plan." I explain as we looked at Hermione to explain her plan.

"So this is the plan, I overheard Fred and George planning a prank on you, so when they do you start crying. That will make Fred come and try to hug you, but your gonna say your done with him. So you break up with him."

"So its a break up prank." Seamus summed up that part.

"Hold on I'm not finished. Then after a week or so you start hanging out with one of these boys, most likely Wood, this will make him jealous. You have to do whatever possible to gain his attention and make sure he falls for it. Then in three weeks when Fred goes to class no one will be there. And we'll dump slime on his head and say it was all a prank."

"He'll be very angry with her though."  Dean worried about the plan.

"Nah he never gets angry at me." I said remembering all the times I got away with things.

"Are you okay with it Wood." Harry asked the older boy.

"Yeah we all need some payback." Oliver nodded in agreement with Hermione's plan.

"And Seamus were gonna need a boom for the slime to go off." Seamus nodded happily with that.

"Okay, now lets go I need to get pranked."I cheered.

Me, Mione, Ginny all walked down the hall me in the middle. We were all talking when I felt a goo slime fall all over my head. I started to fake cry, then Fred emerged from behind the locker to try and comfort me.

I didn't let him. I pushed him away as I wiped the goo away from my face.

"YN I'm so sorry don't cry." Fred tried again, but I pushed him back.

"No Fred. I'm tired off all this." I fake cried, it hurt me just by saying that.

"Wh-what do you mean lo loVe?." Fred's voice cracked, I wanted to hug him.

"We're over." I ran to Hermione and Ginny and we all left the hallway. Where Fred was being comforted by George, it broke my heart.

A week after me and Wood got closer each day, this was making Fred mad and sad. I was laughing at something Oliver said, when Fred stormed past us to the common room. We looked at the others and nodded. We all started heading to the common room.

We all walked in laughing, Fred was with George sitting on the steps to the boys dormitories.
We had sat on the couch and I sat next to Oliver and Ginny was to my right.

"Uh YN can I ask you something?" Oliver asked me, making everyone look over at Oliver and I.

I nodded for Oliver to continue with the plan, Fred and George were looking as well.

"Do you want to go to Hogsmead with me?" Oliver faked a nervous expression.

"Yes Oliver." I hugged him tightly, as Fred went upstairs as did George.

"I think the plans working." Said Angelina.

"Definitely." Spoke Katie.

We all talked till we went to our rooms to sleep.

On Saturday

Me and Wood did go to Hogsmead and had a fantastic time. Though we both knew that the whole time we were being followed by Fred, George and Lee.

We came back with everyone in the plan. In three day we were gonna tell Fred it was all just a prank.

However Fred did look Heart broken which left me all sad. But we needed to teach him a lesson.

Part 1.

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