Oliver Wood/ Lucky 7

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It seemed like a joke to him, had he not realized that he hurt me with his words

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It seemed like a joke to him, had he not realized that he hurt me with his words. That I had feelings, that when I said I was done being second best, was real. Who knows? But I was officially done with Oliver James Wood!
I waited until the Gryffindor team got back from late night practice. The door opened revealing the tired team. They all fell on the coach, sighing I stood up to tuck them into blankets. The twins had fell onto the big couch, Harry on my seat, Katie, Angelina and Alicia on the arm chair.

"Ollie, you work them to hard."

He only wrapped his arms around my waist as I finished tucking Harry in. "Yeah, but we need to beat Slytherin for the house cup this year."

I shook my head, "Ollie! Harry's a Bloody first year, he needs to be in bed at 10, it's 12. These five are 3rd years so around 10:30-11:00, again it's 12! Maybe you can keep this schedule to yourself, but they need their rest. Plus we have our O.W.L.S and you promised to help me study."

Oliver's eyes widened, "Bloody Hell! I forgot Love, I'm sor-."

I scoffed, "Sure you are, you're always sorry now aren't you?" Oliver groaned. "Again I'm sorry for missing our date, anniversary, your birthday. But I had to run practice."

My eyes were watery as tears threatened to fall, "We're done." Oliver went to protest, "No! Oliver, there is no more sorries an-and forgetting something. I'm tired of being second best to Quidditch!."

Oliver was angry and a bit sad, "Well maybe if you would stop telling me what I'm supposed to do or arguing over my practice time. And nagging me all the bloody time. Maybe then I would care more!"

A tear fell as Oliver realized what he had just said, "YN- no! Come back! I didn't mean it!" I slammed the door of my dorm room and sat on my bed before telling myself to sleep.

Next Week

I looked exactly the same, no tears, no fake smile

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I looked exactly the same, no tears, no fake smile. Relief had washed over me, I broke up with my 1 Year boyfriend Oliver last night. I was done with the boy that didn't care for me.

I had agreed to go to Hogsmead with some of my friends from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw days ago. I'm not going to skip because of a boy.

I walked out of my room and walked downstairs to the Common Room. My smile never fading when I saw Oliver sat sadly on the coach. Angelina, Katie and Alicia came over to me, "Where are you going?"

I gave them a look, "Hogsmead, with some of my friends, I guess you lot of Quidditch practice?"

They shook their heads, "No, Oliver still not over your breakup so he canceled practice again. We're worried about him."

I turned to the Quidditch crazed boy before walking over to him. I sat on the arm of his chair, he didn't have to look at me, he knew it was me. "Ollie,... are you alright? It's been a week, and you haven't played Quidditch all week. I'm worried, Love."

Oliver shifted, "I-I didn't think you cared anymore."

I placed my head on his shoulder, "I'll always care, even is you hate me or we break up badly. You will always be the person I care the most for. Until I'm married and have kids."

Oliver chuckled softly, "7 kids for a Quidditch team." I chuckled before standing up. "I'm going to Hogsmead with my friends, you're always welcome, Percy's coming as well. I have to wait for him."

Oliver shook his head, "Actually, the team needs to practice. As you said it's been a week." Oliver walked over to the team as Percy came down and we left.

2 Years Later
Me and Oliver managed to get back together two months after we broke up. He maintained a steady of me and Quidditch. Which I was glad but today was our official last day of school forever.

I sighed as I made all my bags miniature small so I could put them in my pocket. I closed the door of my dorm for 7 years before walking downstairs. My eyes found Oliver as they grew teary and he pulled me into a hug. "Don't cry Lass, our kids will be here in no time."

"Think about it, YN, once we get to the station after our last ride, we're going to our house. Our first home, soon we'll have kids and I have money from the Quidditch. And you Auror, we'll have the best life."

"7 kids for a Quidditch team, huh Ollie?" We both chuckled before I pressed my cherry berry lips to his.
The door opened to reveal the team, who pulled us into a hug.

"Once you get settled into your house write us. We want to see!" Angelina squealed in excitement.

Fred smirked, "Try not to get her-."
"Pregnant just yet, Ollie." George finished as Alicia and I shoved them.

"You're gross." Alicia groaned, "I call first Godmother!" She declared.

I chuckled, "He wants 7, so you all will be a godparent. The twins one because I don't trust two with them. Harry's to young, so 3 will be left for godparents."

Katie snickered, "Bloody Hell, you two have been planning. Good luck, come on or we'll miss the train."
15 Years Later
I sat outside as my husband and kids were playing quidditch. 7 kids as he asked, as I wanted, to keep him busy with all of that.

A year after school we had our first, Oliver Jr. who Alicia and her husband Thomas are godparents of. Who is 14. A keeper.
A year after was Moms/N, who Katie and Fred are Godparents of. Who is 13. A chaser.
Two years after was the twins, Collin and Callie, Who George and Angelina are Godparents of. Who is 11 years old. Beaters, made the Weasley twins very proud.
A year after was Jackson who Hermione and Draco are Godparents of. Who is 10, a chaser
3 Years after was Layla, who my mom and dad are Godparents of. Who is 7 years old, a chaser
Then it was Eli, our youngest, who Oliver's parents are Godparents of.
Who is 6 years old, and a seeker.

Oliver flew down to be as the kids finally played as a whole team. He sat down beside me as we watched them fly happily. "You know I never wanted 7, but now I have no regrets."

Oliver smirked, "They could always need an announcer."
I scoffed but smiled, "They have one, Teddy! He loves coming over anyways."
Oliver pouted, "Not what I meant."
I smirked, "Than you push it out. Kids time for dinner!"

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