Fred Weasley/ She Made a Difference

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I sighed looking at Fred, he was dealing with his first break up

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I sighed looking at Fred, he was dealing with his first break up. Looking at my brother broke me, she had made a difference. "Fred... come on, you'll be fine."

Fred sighed dramatically, "But she- she's not gonna be downstairs smiling at me when I come down late. She's not going to go with us to breakfast twice in the same day because we simply asked her to go with us."

I sighed sitting down beside him as he continued, "Oh Georgie I miss her smile, so you think she's married?"

"Bloody hell! You broke up yesterday! How the hell would she be married?!"

"I don't know... do you think she's sad? Do you think she thinks that I'm thinking of her?" I groaned.

He went on and on, there was no stopping him...

"Fred where home! Yesterday we were at Hogwarts and you two broke up. You won't see her here. Now let's go to eat our mums breakfast!" Fred sighed getting up and following me downstairs.

We sat down, "So are you two gonna tell us what happened?" Mum asked setting our plates down.

"Fred cheated on YN!" Ginny said bitterly, I glared at her.

"I didn't cheat on her!" Fred yelled angrily, "Angelina kissed me!"

Ginny glared at him, "The worst part about it was Angelina was her best friend! I can't even look at you." Ginny stood up angrily, but Hermione pulled her back down.

"Fred wouldn't be heartbroken if he cheated on her purposely." Ginny calmed down, "Right now he was just talking about how much he misses her, it was bloody annoying."

Ginny frowned, "Sorry Fred, it was just that she sent a lett-."

"Let me see it!" Fred demanded, Ginny handed him the letter. "Georgie she is thinking of me."

"Ginny write her back and explain that Angie kissed me. I pushed her away, but YN was gone." Ginny sighed.

"Fred, read the last part." I saw the light go from Fred's eyes.

"What is it Fred?"

"She's wants to be alone, so she's not going to talk to anyone. Oh family, do you think she misses me? Remember Georgie when we would send Howlers to YN in the Great Hall to embarrass her?"

The twins stared intently at Fred's girlfriend YN, as a letter landed on her plate. YN looked at the letter cautiously before opening it.

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