Part 2. Fred Weasley

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It was Monday and today I was gonna ask Minnie to switch the classroom places without Fred, George or Lee knowing

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It was Monday and today I was gonna ask Minnie to switch the classroom places without Fred, George or Lee knowing.

I was walking to her classroom with Harry and we opened the door. And walked over to her table.

"Um Professor can we have a favor." Harry smiled at her.

"That depends what it is." She took off her glasses.

"Well we've been pulling a prank on Fred and we need you to pull your class somewhere else on Wednesday." Harry said.

"Oh definitely, Need some payback as well. Serves those two right." She agreed to our request.

We smiled and discussed some more and we left to tell the others.

Later on that Monday, George walked up to me and Oliver as we walked to the Common Room.

"Are you two really dating?." George asked with a smirk.

"Yes we are." Oliver answered as he locked fingers with mine. Fred was hiding behind the armor I could see his firey orange hair sticking out.

"Prove it." George said smug look.

"Fine, whatever you ask for." I said sarcastically.

Oliver then turned and kissed me, I started blushing. When we pulled apart George was gone as was Fred. "You didn't have to kiss me that long." I spoke. "Enjoying the moment YN."

I laughed quietly and we held hands for everyone to see as we went back to the common room.

"What happened Fred looked like he was gonna cry?" Ginny asked confused.

"Well George came up to us and started questioning us, so I had to kiss her." Oliver explained what happened as I propped myself on the coach.

"And when we finished they were both gone."I finished. "Uh I can't wait for Wednesday. I need to tell him. And kiss him."

"Wow YN, I get you two are in love, but please." Ginny groaned disgusted.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"So it was a prank, I knew it." Oh no, it was Lee.

"No it's not." Katie lied. Lee sent us all a look.

"Fine it is you can't tell Fred or George." Called Harry.

"And why not." Lee crossed his arms.

"I will tell McGonagall to kick you of as the announcer." Oliver told him.

"OkAy okay fine." Lee sighed.

"Good." We told him most of the plans. Then he said he'll make sure they don't skip class.

I was happy everything was going great. Well despite hurting Fred in the process.

Wednesday finally came, and we were all getting ready for the rest of the plan.

Dean and Seamus made the plan, so when Fred and George walk in it would explode on their heads. And the fireworks would go off saying it was a prank with all of us under it.

Hermione put a charm to make everything in the room stay clean except for the Twins.

Now me, Oliver, Angelina, and Katie and Lee were waiting at the end of the the corridor looking for Fred and George. Me and Oliver had linked fingers. They finally came to view at the other end of the hallway.

We quickly all walked into the class room and stood at our spots.

When they walked in there was a big boom. And the twins had slime all over. Then the fire works went off saying it was all just a prank.

"Wait so you and Oliver are apart of the prank right." Asked Fred smiling slightly.

"Yeah we all wanted revenge." I nodded.

Fred quickly ran over and gave a tight hug.

"See Dean he doesn't get mad at me." I told Dean to which he smiled.

"How did you get McGonagall in on this." George asked curiously.

"Oh she wanted revenge as well." Harry explained our encounter. Fred and George looked at each other and laughed.

Fred then turned to Oliver, "Your lucky I didn't kill you." To which Oliver took a big step away from me.

"Who's plan was this. I know you wouldn't be able to think of hurting me." Fred asked, he smiled at me.

Hermonie sheepishly raised her hand, "that was bloody brilliant." Said George making Hermione blush.

Fred turned to me, "Your mine yah hear me."

I nodded, " I wouldn't want it any other way."
(I wouldn't have it any other way. Your surround by love and your wanted. So never feel alone. Your heart with me, right where it belongs- The Fosters.)

You then shared a long Kiss as everyone smiled at the two of you who were so happy. With each  other.

You were Fred's Girl only Fred's.

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