Draco Malfoy: Luna Was Right

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YN Davies is a Ravenclaw and a      Half-Blood witch

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YN Davies is a Ravenclaw and a Half-Blood witch. She was smart and bold, she soon became a friend to the Golden Trio. YN was best friends with Luna Lovegood or to many Lunny Lovegood.
Of course no one would dare say that around YN, unless you want to get hexed.

Draco Malfoy is a Slytherin boy and a PureBlood wizard. He was rude and quickly became an enemy to the Golden Trio. Draco was best friends with Blaze Zambini.
Draco hated everyone except for his mom and best friend. But what no one knew was that he had a soft spot for a Half-Blood by the name of YN.

They did talk, sometimes, but Draco has witnessed her being herself, and couldn't help but fall for her. He knew that it would cause trouble if anyone found out. His father would disown him, but Draco didn't care that much anymore.

YN's friends would say how much of a git Malfoy was but YN never saw it. Draco was nothing but kind to her, well when they did talk.

I was walking with Luna to get to the Ravenclaw common room, we had a free period and I wanted to rest a bit. This corridor was very busy with so many different people.

Then I tripped, I flew forward expecting to His the ground. But I was caught, I looked up and to my surprise it was Malfoy. He put me on my feel as I stared at him in shock.

"Uh oh um thanks Malfoy. I guess I owe you one huh." I nervously laughed.

"Don't worry about it YN, Luna." He greeted as he walked past us.

"I recon he likes you YN, he didn't call me Loony." Luna tells me dreamily. I blushed a bright shade of red.

"Draco likes me, oh please. That's like saying Harry doesn't have a lightning scar." I chuckled.

I'm Fourth floor Corridor
I had s free period and decided to walk around the school. Unfortunately I ran into a group of Slytherins.

"Oh look it's the Half-Blood Ravenclaw." Pansy said in a teasing way.

"Oh Pug face has eyes." I crossed my arms. The Slytherin snickered but stopped when she glared at them.

"A mouth on this one, let's teach her a lesson." Pansy growled, before I could react she, "Petrificus Tortalus." I froze and fell down.

She immediately started to beat me up, soon the other Slytherin joined in, till we heard a voice. "What are you doing?" It was Draco.

"Oh Dracie, this stupid Half-Blood got in our way. Only teaching her a lesson. Stupid Davies." She kicked me. Soon I unfroze and groaned holding my stomach.

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