Draco/ Flirt

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I've realized these aren't very happy and I apologize.

I've realized these aren't very happy and I apologize

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I sat beside Cho and Luna as a note flew on my paper, sighing I opened it, -what's your name- scratch that I just want to call you mine- DM

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I sat beside Cho and Luna as a note flew on my paper, sighing I opened it, -what's your name- scratch that I just want to call you mine- DM.

Looking up I found Draco's eyes, I rolled my eyes at him. We've been friends since birth and he loved to tease me.

I quickly scribble, Actually I'd prefer if you called me YN. I sent it to him making sure Snape didn't see. Draco chuckled as I winked playfully before turning back and writing on my parchment.

Cho smirked at me, "Why don't you two just date already?" She teased.

Luna being Luna answered, "Well Cho, neither Draco nor YN want to admit their feelings for each other so they tease each other instead."

"Luna!" I scold but she shrugs.

A note hit my head, turning around instead of Draco's floating paper I saw the Weasley Twins in the desk behind me. I frown before asking, "What?"

The two smirk, "You and cold blooded Malfoy ehh?" George nudges Fred.

I groan, "No! We're just friends."

Fred smiled, "Oh please YN, Grangers told us all about those muggle romance books she reads. Best friends turn into lovers, classic."

I turn to George, "That May be the case for you and Angelina and you with Alicia but not me alright?" The two blush as I turn away.

Another note hits my head and I turn around angered, "What do you two- oh..." it was Draco's not this time and I well I yelled at the twins.

"Mrs. Ln, and Mr Weasleys detention. And who's that not from?" Snape snatched the note from the air, "Mr. Malfoy you as well." I facepalmed.

"But Professor yo gave me two detentions already!" I whined.

"Exactly that means three hours!" I smack my head on the desk hearing the twins snicker, "Two hours for you as well Weasleys." They groaned.

Snape handed me the note, "I believe this is yours." I nodded taking the note and reading.

Since you've been making me smile since the day I meet you- DM

I grown internally at his words, "Aww." Cho muttered reading the note from over my shoulder so I pushed her face away.

"Cho! Go away!"

"Class dismissed!" Snape Yelled as we all basically ran out of the classroom.

"YN!" I turned around as Draco crashed into me.

"You didn't have to yell if you were right behind me." I chuckle as we walked together to the Ravenclaw common room.

"Isn't Luny and Choi coming to the Common Room." He asked.

"Luna and Cho and no Cho wants to drool over the quidditch team, but I need to study. So she took Luna." I explain as we continued walking.

"So we're gonna study?" Draco had a whine in his voice.

I nodded, "I'm a Ravenclaw after all." I wink as he pushed me lightly.

"Snape saw the notes." I nodded at Draco, "That was embarrassing at least he didn't read it out loud." I sigh.

Draco shook his head, "Everyone will think we're dating, id hate for them to think that." I scoff slightly offended as we reached the door.

"What am-."
"A question." I answer having heard this before."

The door opened as Draco looked at me, "I didn't mean to offend you, promise but I-."

"It's okay Draco really, but I think I want to study by myself thanks." I close the door on his pleasing eyes before sighing.

I ran upstairs to my room and screamed into my pillow. Soon though I fell asleep till detention. Though I stayed with Cho, apparently she had told the Professor she was doing a symbol wrong and she's here. I ignored Draco though.

Next Day/ Potions
I sat again in between Luna and Cho and again a note hit my head. Sighing I grabbed it and read.

I'm sorry for what I said, I was an idiot and afraid to tell you something- DM

I scribbled down, just tell me! YL

He sent it back and I froze, I love you more than friends. My heart fluttered and I looked at him, but he refused to look into my eyes. He looked upset and heartbroken.

I quickly joked down on the piece of parchment, I feel the same- YL, I quickly sent it and waited for the notes return.

Be my girlfriend- DM
I smiled happily at him with a nod, I'd love to- YL

I turned back to my parchment and copied off of Cho as I was busy with the notes. "Guess who has a boyfriend?" I whispered to the two girls.

"Your DATING?" Cho screamed causing everyone to look.

"Mrs. Chang detention with Hagrid, you as well LN." I smacked her.

"And yes, he asked me right now." I responded as the twins yanked me back.

"So. You and Malfoy ehh." Fred winked.

I sighed, "Fine you two were right."

"Grangers muggle books didn't lie." George tells Fred who nodded.

I rolled my eyes and another note floated to me, I looked at Draco and shook my head.

I opened the note and blushed, you were put in the wrong house all Malfoy are Slytherin.

"Aww so Cute, I'm jealous!" Cho again screamed out. I pushed her out of her seat.

"Professor please only give her detention she's been getting me in trouble since day one."

Snape nods, "Chang, detention for both you and Mrs. LN."

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