Pref 9/ Year Started Dating

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Harry/ 5th Year, however it stayed a secret because Harry didn't want people to be after you. And so that Ginny wouldn't feel hurt. Everyone found out when he asked to marry you.

Ron/ Your 7th Year Holiday, as he didn't return to Hogwarts, you went to visit him at the Burrow during Christmas Holiday. Where Harry made Ron work up the courage to ask you on a date.

Draco/ 3rd Year, the year he was the hottest boy at Hogwarts. You being a PureBlood and in Slytherin(Sorry) So when he asked you out it went like this.
"What, Malfoy? I have to study?"
"Will you go out with me?"
"What? Why?"
, "All Malfoy's are Slytherin."

Neville/ 6th year, at the end of the war you had pulled Neville into a hug thanking him for saving you from Nagini. He held you waist and looked down at you. "YN, I've liked you since first year, Will you go out with me?"

"Of course." Was all you said before pressing your lips to his.

Dean/4th Year, Dean walked over to you nervously as you sat on a table with your potions book. "H-hey YN?"
You looked up from your parchment, "Hello, Dean." You greeted cheerfully. Dean gulped, "Um well I was um kind of wondering if you'd ugh like to go with me... and Seamus to Hogsmead for butter beers?"

You smiled grabbing your things, "How about just me and you?" Dean nodded softly as you pressed a kiss to his cheek before retreating up the stairs.

Seamus/ 5th Year, Pyro boy (as you called him) loved to disobey the Pink Toad. Especially her idiotic rules, like the NO DATING rule. So Seamus decided that he would take advantage of his feelings for you and rule breaking.
When he was running in the corridor to break yet another rule, he crashed into you. You both fell and your lips touched. "Sorry bout' that YN, but actually I was looking for you, Will you go on a date with me?"

Fred/ His 4th year, your 3rd. You were the prettiest girl of 1st-5th year. Every boy seemed to have a crush on you, for you looks. Except Fred, he had taken a liking to you and put you in his group. He fell for the real you, your looks just a plus. So he asked you out on the Astronomy Tower as George set of fireworks.

George/Two year after Hogwarts, George has always had a crush on you but could never do anything about it. You had Cedric Amos Diggory, that's why Fred and George seemed to hate him more. That was until Cedric passed away, you were heartbroken.
Two years after Hogwarts, you and George began to reconnect and you helped him over the loss of Fred. He asked you out after having went to Hogsmeade together to go remember the past.

Cedric/ 7th Year, he asked you out when he asked you to the Yule Ball. "YN! Wait up!" He called as you walked with your friends. They nudged you teasingly as he was your crush. "Yes, Cedric?" You asked walking towards him. He smiled at you, panting from running, "I was wondering if you'd want to be my date to the Yule Ball?" You blushed, "I'd love to."

Roger/ 5th Year, he asked you out to a ball before Christmas holiday.

Oliver/ A time after Hogwarts as you started being the nurse for Puddelmore United. And quite frankly got to see Oliver in need of assistance. (Cause bluggers hate him).
Until this one time when he walked in, uninjured, "What is is Oliver?" You asked walking towards him, "I'm not injured but I wanted to know if you'd like to be my girlfriend?" Your face flushed, "You see YN, I've liked you since Hogwarts but you know that I was obsessed with Quidditch." You took Oliver's hands, "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Oliver."

Percy/ During Fleurs And Bills wedding. When the Death Eaters attacked you more or less saved Percy and apparated the two of you away. He thanked you, but was looking down, "What?" You chuckled looking at him. "Well YN, I have a sort of crush on you." You smirked, "I sort of have one for you."

Marauder Era
James/ During 7th year, he had gotten over Lily in 6th year and his feeling drifted to you. So he asked you out, "I'm not going to be your rebound off of Lily!" It took a years worth of convincing before you finally gave in.

Remus/ 4th year, you being a Marauder knew of Remus wolf problem, you decided that you would be the bestest friend and look after him. You slowly began to fall for each other, so you asked him you. "Remmie?" He looked over at you, "Do you want to go on a date with me?" His smile widened, "Would I?!"

Sirius/ A year after Hogwarts, you and Sirius were the biggest flirts and players in Hogwarts. But everyone knew that you liked each other, judging by the faces you'd give to the new girlfriend or boyfriend. When Hogwarts ended, so did your endeavors as you began to work at the Ministry. One day Sirius came into your office and kissed you.

Regulus/ 6th Year, You and Regulus had been best friends since forever. However neither of you knew of your parents plan to arrange you two. But it didn't matter as you and Regulus had already fell for each other, so much so that the Four Marauders watched you two and placed bets when he'd ask you out. Sirius won, as they watched from across the hall as Regulus asks you a simple question.

Severus/ idk, I can't really do him because every time I say his name I think Professor Snape. So sorry.

Next generation
Albus/ 5th year, when Albus first developed a crush on you, he made it loud and clear to you and the rest of the school. He constantly asked you out, you saying no all the time. Till 5th year, when he stopped, that's all you wanted him to stop so you could ask.
You skipped towards him in the Great Hall, everything went silent as you stood behind him. "Albus?" He turned around, "Will you go with me to Hogsmeade?"
Scorpius scoffed, "Why the sudden change of heart?" You smiled, "Because I wanted to ask. So, Albus?" He snapped back into reality, "Bloody Hell, Yes."

JSP/ 5th Year, you sat beside James in the empty common, "James? James? James?" You put your face under his. "Hmm, how to wake up James?...James Sirius Potter go out with me?!" You yelled as James gave you a flustered smile.
"Of course!" You smiled pressing your lips to his and you kissed till, Rose entered the Common Room, "For the love of Merlin! Next time a heads up!"

Fred 2nd/ 6th Year, You climbed down the stairs to the common room, where all the Weasley-Potter-Granger boys sat. "Are you lot' starting a cult? Because I will report you!" You teased, James smirked, "Fine, Go report your husband Fred!" I faked a gasp looking at Fred, "You told them about what happened in Vegas?!... you guys should also know, that your uncles!" You joked taking a seat on Freds lap, like you did every day. "I knew it!" Albus yelled, "I'm joking idiots. We're not even dating!" "YET." Fred mentions, "YN, want to go out with me?"

Teddy/ 7th Year, you're Percy and Audrey's oldest daughter. You and Teddy are close, but you thought he liked Victoire. Until a game of truth or dare, "Teddy, I dare you to ask out your crush?" Lily giggled, I sighed as Victoire got ready. Teddy turned to me, "YN, will you go out with me?"

Scorpius/ At 5th year summer Holiday, one of his fathers Gallas, your mother worked with him and was invited to the Galla. When you and Scorpius were dancing with the adults and some kids our age. "YN, so when we go back to Hogwarts next week, do you think you'd want to go with me to Hogsmeade?"

Louis/ At Teddy's and Victories wedding, you both were in your 7th year. Louis walked over to you as you sat beside Dominique at your table. "YN, do you want to dance?" He asked giving you a hand, you nodded taking his hand. You began to dance when he asked, "So, do you um want to go into town tomorrow, with me?"

You blushed, "Like a date?" He blushed giving you a nod. "Alright!"

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