Frank/ Its So... Gryffindor

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A/N just realized I had no Frank, so here it is

A sudden break in my quietness made me growl Emma's I was interrupted of my peace

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A sudden break in my quietness made me growl Emma's I was interrupted of my peace. The five Gryffindor boys, whom I got acquainted with sat with me under the shade near the Black Lake.

"Yes?" I asked not liking up from my book, Sirius snatched my book, "Pride and Prejudice' sounds like a book my brother should read."

My eyes scanned the boys, "So what'd you do and what should I say to the Professors?"

The boys and I became best friends because we had backed up each other stories. Like this.

"We made Snivelous and half of your doormats hair Gryffindor colors." Peter explained as he pointed to Anthony Borgin with.

"It's so... Gryffindor." I muttered dryly, "I'll tell the professors, Remus helped me study, James was needing advice for Lily, Sirius and Frank threw Peter into the Black Lake."

They nodded as it was so realistic, we talked for a bit before Bella Parkinson ran towards me holding my mail. "YN?! Um oh sorry, didn't know you had company. Your owl,... um here." She handed me the letters.

"Thanks Bells." I thanked making her smile and walk away, "Sirius, if I catch you so much as staring t her again I'll cut your playboy testicles off. She's a sweetie, she's the softest Slytherin ever, leave her alone." I warn before looking at the three letters.

One from Mum and Dad, another from Abigail a friend from Ilvermorny and the last with a skull wax symbol for the Death Eaters.

I suddenly gulped causing the boys to look in my direction, "What is it?" Frank asked concerned.

I snuck my head, "Um it's nothing, I think I got my... period." I suddenly said, the boys just nodded after last time when they got disgusted I went on a long rant of how they have to get used to it if their going to get married and have children.

Frank handed me his sweater, "In case you go stained." I smiled sweetly wrapping it around my waist as I realized I had left my robes inside.

"Thank you, Frank. I'll see you guys later!" I called before running back into the castle, well pretending I did. But in reality I went to the abandoned part of the school.

A place of solitude, with a sigh I climbed up the huge blossom tree the room centered around. I sat close to the top, the leaves of the trees covering myself.

With a sigh I opened the skull letter, the words handwritten by old          no-nose. My breath quickened at the sight of the words written. Tears trickled down my face, my sobs covering the sound of footsteps, until Frank Longbottom stood at the bottom of the tree looking at me before climbing up himself.

"What's up?" He asked calmly sitting beside me, startling me.

I wiped the tears, fully aware he had already seen them, "Old No-Nose." I replied, Frank tensing at my words.

"Did he write you?" Frank asked after a moments silence thinking back to the second Bella gave me the letters.

I nodded curling up into his side, "He claims he's taken a interest in my academic capabilities and when I finish school and I take the mark, I'll be at his side to help make decisions. My family's never sat at the table, they stood beside it, but apparently now they are because of me."

Frank our of no where took my hand, "YN Bulstrode, you are my best friend and have been since you saved my arse in 4th year. Now we are in 7th Year and the year is coming to a close. I won't let you become apart about of that incest line of arsewholes."

"Why not Frank? You have always wanted to protect me! What if I don't need protecting?!" I exclaimed for some reason, I always had to argue.

"Because I love you! Alright, YN. How could you be so stupid and not realize, how I would make Sirius stop flirting with you? Because I didn't want you to get hurt. I used to like Alice but then I met you and I rejected her. Because you, YN, because I love you."

I paused mouth agape as I stared at him, "Frank I-. I love you, too... b-but what if I have to join the dark side? My mum says she wants me to marry that boy, Blake Carrow." I groaned in slight disgust.

Frank placed his hand on my cheek, "I go where you? Wherever you are, I'll be right beside you. No ones going to ever hurt you, YN. And as for Blake, I heard he got into a scandal with a muggle girl from Paris."

A blush appeared on my cheeks, "That speech. It's so... Gryffindor. But it's also so Frank Longbottom."

"And that statement... It's so Slytherin. But it's also YN Longbottom." My cheeks were probably scarlet red at Franks mocking of my words.

I swatted his arm, "That's my catch phrase you arse, get your own."

6 Years Later
My gaze slipped from my husband Frank to Neville, my beautiful baby boy. They laid together in the bedroom on the master bed. A smile spread on my face at the sight of a 4 year old boy and the 25 year old man on the bed.

We had our child pretty early, but we never ever regretted a thing.

Frank has his tacky Gryffindor moments that I find horribly disgusting, well my Slytherin person thinks it's disgusting. Me, just me finds it adorable when he thinks he could beat me in a duel.

But the most Gryffindor thing that he's ever done was move in beside his best friends.

James and Lily lived next door with Harry. And the house on the other side of us held the three other Gryffindor boys of Sirius, Remus and Peter.

Although I liked it because it meant me and Lily could complain about the horrors of pushing a baby out of our vagina*yes I said it* in front of the five Gryffindors who found it rather disgusting.

But they stopped voicing their complaints after my rant of how their the ones who had horrid pull out game, so we were the ones to ultimately endure the pain of shoving a human out of a vagina*.

To which Frank would always say, "It's so... Slytherin." And I would smack his arm lightly juggling a sleeping Neville in my arms.

Although Neville rather reminded me of Frank, it was scary. Especially with his uncles on either side of us.
But I could sense that Neville, wasn't at all just like his father, yes he portrayed many of Franks characteristics and was bound for Gryffindor.

He was so kind and shy around the other children, but no matter what I'd always be there for my baby. Even though in a short few years he'd be off to Hogwarts, leaving me alone with only Frank, the other four Gryffindor boys and Lily.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Frank stored slightly. His eyes opened for a second before reaching his arms out. I charmed my hair into a bun and my clothes into pjs before climbing into Franks arms, Neville laying peacefully beside me.

A smile forming on my face and unlike a Slytherin I didn't even try to stop it as I cuddled next to the two most important people in the world, they were my world.

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