Draco/ My Concern

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I paused as the boy that once held my heart in his hand, stormed past me with Harry not far behind

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I paused as the boy that once held my heart in his hand, stormed past me with Harry not far behind.

Harry paused seeing me, "MacMillan, I have to get to him, I know you to had a past but-."

"Potter, you know I love you and you're one of my closest friends and I'll gladly fight beside you. But Draco is where I draw the line, I don't care what he is or what he's done, but he's scared Harry."

Harry sighed rubbing his hand through his messy locks, "You know what YN? He's a Death Eater, so it doesn't matter that he's scared, he needs to grow up!"

I held my wand out to him, "You won't get him, Harry. I can't let you, this person that he is right now isn't him. And it's all his father and no-nose fault. Leave him, alone."

Harry finally nodded before walking down the hall, once he was gone I walked into the bathroom. My eyes immediately caught onto his, "Draco? Are you alright?" The concern in my voice evident.

"Why do you care?" His voice cracked, hurting my heart.

I placed a hand on his cheek before wiping the water off his face with the sleeve of my scarlet robes. "Because Draco, at one point of my life I was sure I was going to marry you."

"And now?" He asked softly.

I smiled looking into his great eyes, "Now, I'm still sure."

Draco pulled away hiding a smile as he looked away, "You're not safe with me, MacMillan."

"I'm not safe with anyone, especially now that Old No-Nose is recruiting for his rank of Death Eaters."

Draco looked down hesitantly looking at me, "I'm a Death Eater, YN, you need to stay away from me before Voldemort see's you as something to further hurt my family."

I stayed unfazed, "I was ready to kick Harry's arse in the hall. And I know you're a Death Eater, I have known since you got it."

"It's not your concern."

"Is it your concern?" I asked.

Draco gave me a look of confusion, "What?"

"Is it your concern?" I restated.

"Yes, yes it is."

I nodded taking his cold hands in mine, "Than it's my concern as well. You are my concern, Draco."

He shook his head, "Not now, YN. I love you, and I have since only Salazar knows how long. But that's why I can't be with you, for now at least. People like me don't deserve to be happy."

I shook my head exasperatedly, "No, people like you deserve to be helped, to be given a second chance. Everyone deserves to be happy, even you."

The door to the bathroom opened and Draco threw me behind him, "Mr. Malfoy, Miss. MacMillan?" Professor Snape questioned a slight smirk on his face.

"Both of you, get back to the study hall, now or else I'll be forced to give you both detention."

We both knew he wouldn't but we still hurried out. "Where are you going?" I asked him as he began the opposite way.

"I have to do something, I'll see you at dinner." I just nodded before heading back to the hall.

Before heading to the Gryffindor table, I headed towards my brother Ernie, "Hello, brother." I greeted sitting down beside him.

"Sister." He replies still staring into Susans eyes, "We get it you're dating! Just make the rest of us feel even more single than we already are."

Susan looked at me for a second, "Aren't you and Malfoy dating?"

I blushed shaking my head no, "It seems like you are, I mean you're both PureBloods. And you'd be cute together."

"Susan I like you more and more every day. Bye Ernie!" I wave messing up his hair before heading back to the Gryffindor table.

Potter grabbed my hand, "Potter before you ask, He is a Death Eater but is being threatened to do so. And the rest of the time, we only talked about staying away because being together isn't safe."

"Why's that?" Hermione whispered asked only she, Harry and Ron were listening in.

I paused thinking over our conversation, "Because if we're together No-Nose pressure me and my family into joining and would further punish Draco and the Malfoys when we refuse."

The Battle of Hogwarts
Bellatrix stood in front of me with her stupidly happy grin. "MacMillan, oh such a pretty little girl, no wonder Draco loves you."

"Lestrange, oh so psychotic, no wonder Old No-Nose Voldy likes you,... get it because he can't love?" I asked sarcastically causing her to yank my hair and press her wand against my neck.

I winced out, "I didn't get to finish you last in the Department of Mysteries. But now I can."

"Let or go!" A voice called, a smirk grew on my face as I saw Draco. Bellatrix gave him a shocked look.

"Draco, I'm your Aunt! You're choosing, her over me."

"Yes, because I've lived that girl since forever and you tried to kill her in front of me. Her concern in my concern."

"Just like his concern in mine." I finished taking his hand, "Now leave us alone or we will have to kill you." Draco finished having stepped in front of me as a sort of protectiveness surrounded him.

Bellatrix turned obviously offended before disappearing around the corner. "You have a Death wish, Don't you MacMillan. What would I do without you?"

I paused grabbing a hold of his face before planting my lips onto his. Draco squeezed my hand before making our way through the corridors. Death Eaters not attacking because he was with me. And the Hogwarts students not attacking because I was with him.

For the first time I felt safe, even though many felt the most terror when they were with him.

We stood at the front of the castle, Draco held my hand tightly as his family stood directly across from us.

Voldemort called Draco and more up to his side as Harry was dead. I cried out at the news of him being dead, Draco held me tighter, obviously upset as well.

"Draco, come." I dug my face into Draco's arms knowing he wouldn't leave if I did so. He simply looked away from those calling out him.

"You're my concern-."
"Just like I am yours."

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