How You Meet/ Pref 1

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Harry: You meet Harry in your transfiguration class he had to sit next to you because he and Ron were late.

"Hi I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

"I'm YN, YN LN."


Ron: During your first year, you had the pleasure of bumping into Malfoy. He insulted you for being a blood traitor as you were a pure blood Gryffindor. He then started hexing you.

"Leave her alone Malfoy." Yelled Harry.

"Oh I'm scared." Draco yelled sarcastically. Harry and Hermione started hexing him and scaring him away.

"Are You alright there YN." As Ron crouched down to you, helping you up.

"You know my name."

"Yeah I saw when you were sorted into my house." Ron said nervously.he handed you your books.

"Thanks Ron and I know your name to." As you left to class you thanked them.


Fred: You were a y/h (not Gryffindor )
and played on the quidditch team. Today your house was against Gryffindor.

During the match Alicia accidentally hit you to hard and you fell of your broom. Just when you were about to hit the ground. You were caught by Fred Weasley.

"Thanks..." not knowing his name.


"Thanks Fred."

"Oh and now Fred Weasley is flirting with LN get her Fred." Lee announced. You both laughed and continued with the game.


George: you meet George, when their prank accidentally went of on you instead of Filch.

You were walking into the next corridor, when fire works went of as did dung booms. Then slime was dumped on your head. You had fallen on your bum, as you heard laughter.

"Oh look at Fil- your not Filch." Said a boy.

"No she is definitely not." Said the other

You muttered a spell and cleaned yourself of.

"Sorry there love, wasn't meant for you. I'm George."

"It's fine I'm YN." You smiles at each other.

"And I'm Fred." You both turned to Fred.

"I have potions so goodbye." They nodded as you meet George eyes and you ran to potions.

Oliver: You meet the Scottish boy, when you bumped into him. While running from Marcus Flint, he was being evil. And chased you. When you were about to turn the corner you rammed into the Scottish boy.

"Are you alright."

"Uh Ye Yeah." You looked behind you. Checking for Flint.

"YN get your arse back here I wasn't finished with you." You gasped. Marcus was at the end of the hall waiting for you.

"Flint I'm sure that's not how you treat a Lady." Oliver reminded.

"Oh no, Oliver that's how you treat a Mudblood."

"Mudblood or not you don't harm a lady."

"YN your lucky you have your little protector but I'll get you." He walked away.

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