Sirius Black/ Sorry

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The news went around like wildfire

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The news went around like wildfire... H/N (husbands name) H/L/N had been murdered. Leaving YN H/L/N widowed.

Sirius Black learned this from Remus Lupin the day the two had left to Grimwaulds place.

The second Sirius heard the name of the two, he froze in place. "My Y/N?" Was all he had said, Remus merely nodded his head at his friend.

Memories of the five Marauders came to mind as he though of the girl he once loved. Of the girl who said no.

5th Year
"Come on! You can't be serious!" YN yelled as tears dwelled in her e/c eyes. Sirius smirked, "Love, I am Sirius, and why are you so angry!"

YN merely scoffed at his words, "So, what if you think you're in love with my sister?! She's married, I'm not going to poison Theo!" James overhearing the conversation went to rescue his friend from her wrath.

"Why not? They are both PureBloods! She doesn't love him!" Sirius fired back as James reached the pair. James went to pull Sirius, only to receive a glare from YN.

YN rolled her eyes, that Sirius adored, "Siri, so when I'm married... you're not going to poison my husband? Because you love her?" Another tear slid down her face, Sirius immediately pushed it away with his finger.

"Well of course, think about it, 'Five Marauders in Azkaban for the murder of Ones Husband." YN smiled a bit and pulled the taller boy into a hug.

"I'm still not poisoning him."
6th Year
Young Sirius had many thoughts in his head as he stared over at one of his best friends. She was beside H/N and his friends by the Slytherin table. It was clear to anyone that H/N had a crush on the e/c beauty.

Who didn't?

But Sirius felt pure anger,... and jealousy roaring through his body as YN tried to get away. The twos eyes met and the rest was history.

Sirius got up and marched towards the group as the Hall watched in pure astonishment. "Oi! Get away from her you bloody Prats! She's mine!" YN couldn't help but blush as she took his hand.

The two made their way to the astronomy tower. Sirius shut the door and walked towards YN. YN looked back at him with a smirk, "Yours huh?"

Sirius leaned beside her on the tower wall. "You've always been mine, Love." He took a breath, "Just like I've always loved you."

YN eyes went wide as a new blush appeared on her cheeks. She used her so called Gryffindor courage and kissed him eagerly. Sirius immediately kissed back.

His arms trailed to her back then her arse, to under it. He lifted her up and pressed her against the wall. They pulled away out of breath.

Sirius smirked down at her, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

She smiled softly, "Yes, Love."
Last Day of 7th Year
Sirius stared at the ring in the box that he held firmly in his hand. He wanted nothing more than for her too say yes. That's all he's ever wanted.

YN walked into the Astronomy Tower, "Sirius Black what in the name of Merlin's pants are you doing?! We have to leave soon!"

Sirius stood up, "I know, I just wanted to say something here."

YN couldn't help but sigh at the thought of only a few weeks ago, "I umm I do too."

Sirius smiled, "I will go first." She nodded, he got on one knee, her eyes widened as her began to dwell with tears, "Will you marry me?"

"No." It was a mer whisper, she ran out and away.

She wasn't even on the train! She had apparated home, not wanting to see them... The four Marauders sat in their carriage, it wasn't the same. She wasn't in her spot, right beside Sirius.

All Sirius did was sulk about her saying no, ending their relationship.
1 Year After
News spread to the Marauders and Lily as a single envelope came to their door. Sirius sighed softly as he handed the letter to Lily, who momentarily rolled her eyes. Till she got sight of who it was from.

They all sat around the very pregnant Lily as she opened the letter. "You are invited to the wedding of YN and H/N, next June..." her voice trailed off as Sirius stormed to his room, in pure sadness.

"She's getting married, and not to me."
At Remus words, Sirius apparated to YNs manor, where she now lived with her daughter and son. He looked around the large living room.

"S/N! D/N! I already told you, to have your things packed for Hogwarts." YNs voice filled his ears as her figure came to show as she walked down the stairs with the twins in front of her.

Sirius noticed they didn't look like  H/N at all, but like himself. "Sirius?" He looked up at her.

"I um. I came to see you, I heard about what happened to your husband. Why do your kids look like me?"

YN looked at her teenage twins, who stared at Sirius curiously. "Because their yours. S/N, D/N, this is Sirius Black. He's your, dad."

S/N and D/N looked at Sirius as though he was a puppy that hasn't been home. D/N scoffed, "So, he's the one you left?" Sirius smiled a bit, she was much like YN.

S/N shoved his sister to the side and walked towards him. "Weren't you in Azkaban? You know I'm about two years older than Harry. And I'm a 6th year. Are you dangerous? Can you rea-."

"S/N! Honestly, leave that man alone. Come along we have to pack for Hogwarts!" S/N shrugged at Sirius before running after his sister.

YN walked towards Sirius, "I'm sorry. I didn't tell you. That I said no, I wanted to really, but I couldn't."

"So something stopped you from saying yes! From us getting married. You married a man you didn't love! you kept my children from me, whom of which hate me, and gave them a new name! And all you have to say is Sorry!"

"Sirius. It was my parents, they worked for You-Know-Who, so did   H/N parents. When I found out that I was pregnant, I was with my mum. She said, I had to marry H/N,  and leave you. Or she would kill you, Lily and the boys. And the twins. I couldn't let that happen."

The twins came downstairs and pulled their mum into a hug. It was D/N to pull Sirius into the hug as well. They were a family again. At least for the time being.
A/N I'm back, sorry it took so long. My birthday was only a few days ago and it's been really hard to manage writing and schoolwork. But I will try to keep writing and posting.

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