Cedric/ Heros Aren't Supposed to Die

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"Mummy, can you tell us the story again, please?" Andrew asked cutely having wanting me to tell the story

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"Mummy, can you tell us the story again, please?" Andrew asked cutely having wanting me to tell the story.

I sighed looking between Andy, Amos and Ivy who each gave me puppy dog eyes. A smile came to my face as I nodded, "Alright, but then off to bed, understand?"

They nodded happily as the story began....
I paused in the corridor as the sight of my boyfriend came to view. Quickly I walked to be with him until three 7th year Slytherins turned the corner into my corridor and stopped me.

"Oh! Boys look who we got here, sweet, little, Hufflepuff, YN Bott!" Flint chuckled looking at Higgs and Pucey who laughed along.

"Whatever? You bloody git, go hex me and I'll just go and owl your mommy's." I mocked, only to have been shoved behind Five Hufflepuff boys, one being Cedric Diggory.

"Get away from her!" He demanded, still holding my hand causing me to go Gryffindor scarlet.

I could hear Puceys snickers, "And her boyfriends here to save her."

"Just leave her alone!" Justin growled after a moment of silence.

"Why she's just a filthy blood traitor?" Higgs cackled making me try and jump out from behind Cedric.

"Come at me, Higgs. I've kicked your arse before I'll do it again!" I sneered peeking out from behind the taller boy.

Axel hit my arm with an eye roll, "Bott, we're trying to help, but go on kick their arses."

I scoffed reaching for my wand, only to have Cedric take it from me, "YN, Axel was messing with you, Calm down." A groan escaped my lips.

"Alright, for you Ceddy." I mumbled begrudgingly as they all began arguing again.

McGonagalls voice booms as she nears us, "Whats going on?" She asked all Gryffindor like.

"These three Slytherins, were messing with YN, again!" Andrew growled angrily as if he were going to fight, he was to... Hufflepuff.

McGonagall rolled her eyes as she began escorting the Slytherin boys away, scolding them. I turned to the boys, "You didn't have to do that, but thanks again." They nodded with childish grins as four of the five left.

Cedric stood in front of me, "Bott, this is the fourth time this week."

I looked down blushing, "It's not my fault they tend to pick on me. I mean just because I'm a Hufflepuff doesn't make them any higher than I am."

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